Audit Report: IG-0489

Americium/Curium Vitrification Project At The Savannah River Site

Office of Inspector General

November 28, 2000
minute read time

November 28, 2000

Americium/Curium Vitrification Project At The Savannah River Site

In 1994, the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) recommended that the Department of Energy (Department) take action to stabilize the highly radioactive Americium/Curium solution (Am/Cm) stored at the Savannah River Site's F-Canyon Facility. The purpose of this recommendation was to reduce safety and health risks to Department employees and the public. In 1995, the Department made a commitment to the DNFSB to stabilize approximately 14,440 liters of Am/Cm in inventory at the Savannah River Site by September 1998. The objective of this audit was to determine whether the Department will meet its commitment to stabilize the Am/Cm by September 2002.