Audit Report: IG-0434

Waste Inventory Data at Oak Ridge and Savannah River

Office of Inspector General

December 18, 1998
minute read time

December 18, 1998

Waste Inventory Data at Oak Ridge and Savannah River

The Oak Ridge and Savannah River Operations Offices are responsible for maintaining reliable and accurate waste inventories to ensure effective waste management operations at their sites. As of April 1998, the Oak Ridge Reservation stored about 105,000 containers of hazardous, low-level, and low-level mixed waste, with a volume of 72,500 cubic meters. As of May 1998, the Savannah River Site stored about 13,500 containers of hazardous, low-level, and low-level mixed waste, with a volume of 14,500 cubic meters. The objective of this audit was to determine whether the hazardous, low-level, and low-level mixed waste inventories at the Oak Ridge Reservation and the Savannah River Site were accurate and reliable in Fiscal Year (FY) 1998.