Audit of Departmental Receipt of Final Deliverables for Grant Awards
December 4, 1997December 4, 1997
Audit of Departmental Receipt of Final Deliverables for Grant Awards
The Department, as of July 15, 1996, administered 7,452 grants. The Government's share or contribution for these grants was about $8 billion. Grants are used in those situations where the award is intended to serve a public purpose and where limited Federal involvement is anticipated. Departmental personnel have a responsibility to monitor the activities of a grantee to ensure that the intended programmatic goal is achieved and that funds are expended in accordance with the terms of the grant award. This is accomplished, in part, through the review and analysis of technical and financial reports prepared by the grant recipient. The objective of this audit was to determine whether the Department received final deliverables, detailing grantee accomplishments and expenditure of funds, in accordance with Federal and Departmental policies and procedures.