Audit Report: ER-B-99-04

Credit Card Usage at the Ohio Field Office and the Fernald and Miamisburg Environmental Management Projects

Office of Inspector General

March 15, 1999
minute read time

March 15, 1999

Credit Card Usage at the Ohio Field Office and the Fernald and Miamisburg Environmental Management Projects

The Department of Energy (Department) obtained the services of Rocky Mountain BankCard System, through the use of a General Services Administration contract, as a means for the Department and its contractors to make small purchases. The Ohio Field Office (Field Office) uses the credit card system and oversees usage by the Fernald and Miamisburg Environmental Projects. Contractors under the Field Office also use the credit card system to make small purchases. The objective of this audit was to determine whether the Field Office, the Fernald and Miamisburg Environmental Management Projects, Fluor Daniel Fernald (Fluor Daniel), and Babcock and Wilcox of Ohio (B&W) were using credit cards for appropriate purposes and within the limitations established by Federal and Departmental regulations.