Audit Report: ER-B-99-03

Westinghouse Savannah River Company's Health Benefit Plan

Office of Inspector General

January 25, 1999
minute read time

January 25, 1999

Westinghouse Savannah River Company's Health Benefit Plan

Westinghouse Savannah River Company (Westinghouse) manages and operates the Savannah River Site, located in Aiken, South Carolina, for the U.S. Department of Energy (Department). Westinghouse was self-insured for health benefits and contracted with Aetna Insurance to administer the plan (service payments to providers) from Calendar Year (CY) 1989 through 1996. Westinghouse’s administrative service contract with Aetna Insurance expired on December 31, 1996. Westinghouse chose Blue Cross/Blue Shield of South Carolina (BC/BS) to administer its health plan, effective January 1, 1997.