Audit Report: DOE-OIG-19-41

Nuclear Material Control and Accountability at the Nevada National Security Site

Office of Inspector General

July 9, 2019
minute read time

July 9, 2019

Nuclear Material Control and Accountability at the Nevada National Security Site

The Department of Energy’s capability to deter, detect, and assist in the prevention of theft or diversion of nuclear material is critical for national security.  The National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) Nevada National Security Site stores and executes experiments using nuclear materials in support of the Nation’s nuclear security mission.  Nevada National Security Site’s Management and Operating contract required the site to develop and maintain a Material Control and Accountability (MC&A) Program consistent with the requirements of Department Order 474.2, Nuclear Material Control and Accountability.  Because of the importance of the MC&A Program to national security, we initiated this audit to determine whether the Nevada National Security Site’s MC&A Program had adequate controls for accountability and accessibility of nuclear material.  This report is one in a series of three reports at select NNSA sites.

We did not identify any instances of control weaknesses in the Nevada National Security Site’s MC&A Program over accountability and accessibility of nuclear material during our review.  Specifically, our review of the accounting system showed that it was capable of tracing material and included documentation supportive of transactions tested.  In addition, our observation of the physical inventory process showed proper implementation of site procedures.  Based on our audit work, we did not make any recommendations since nothing came to our attention that indicated the site had not implemented an MC&A Program with adequate controls for accountability and accessibility of nuclear material.

Topic: National Security and Safety

DOE-OIG-19-41.pdf (544.77 KB)