Department of Energy Reasonable Accommodation Program

Employees or applicants may request Reasonable Accommodation (RA) for assistance, when applying or competing for a job, performing a job, or ensuring equal access to the benefit of employment, due to their medical condition or to exercise their religious beliefs.

Request for RA removes workplace barriers for individuals by changing the work environment or the way activities are usually performed to help a person with a disability, or a religious belief, apply for a position, perform the duties of a position, or enjoy the benefits and privileges of employment.

Personal Assistance Services (PAS) is assistance with performing activities of daily living that an individual would typically perform if they did not have a disability. Requests for PAS may be made either in writing or orally at any time by an employee with a targeted disability. Requests for RA can be submitted to the employee’s supervisor, Local Reasonable Accommodation Coordinator (LRAC), Human Capital office, or contact identified in a vacancy announcement. 

RA & PAS Examples

  • The accommodations provided to employees are decided on a case-by-case basis. Below are examples of reasonable accommodations.

    • Technology - larger or specialized computer monitor, screen magnification software, voice activation software, readers;
    • Worksite - physically accessible such as installing doors that automatically open and close; lowering the paper towel dispenser in an employee restroom or adjusting the lighting at an employee’s workstation
    • Tour of Duty/Leave Administration - Telework; Modified work schedules; advanced leave or leave without pay; and,
    • Performance - Modifying supervisory methods such as communicating in writing rather than orally; Sign language interpreters; job coaching; travel-related accommodations and Reassignment.

    Reasonable accommodations cannot be provided to care for family members with disabilities.

  • The accommodations provided to employees are decided on a case-by-case basis. Below are examples of RA:

    • Readers and sign language interpreters; and,
    • Accessible locations for recruitment, interviews, testing, and other components of the application process.
  • Activities which may require PAS include, but are not limited to:

    • Removing and putting on clothing;
    • Eating;
    • Using the restroom;
    • Getting in and out of a vehicle at the worksite; and,
    • Moving around the building.

    Personal Assistance Services does not include performing medical procedures or monitoring, such as administering injections, monitoring blood pressure, or helping an individual with a targeted disability perform job-related tasks.

    All aspects of the RA and PAS processes must be kept confidential. This includes the initial request, the decision, disability, and any medical information that is obtained during the process. The act of requesting an accommodation is considered a protected activity and should not be disclosed except to those with a need to know.