October 16 National Transmission Planning Study Informational Webinar

On Wednesday, October 16, 2024, the U.S. Department of Energy's Grid Deployment Office (GDO) held an informational webinar on the National Transmission Planning (NTP) Study, a national-scale, long-term (15- to 30-year) transmission planning analysis that identifies a portfolio of potential transmission expansion options within the contiguous United States that will strengthen grid resilience and reliability and inform regional and interregional transmission planning processes.

The NTP Study development included the expansion and creation of transmission planning tools—including open-source software, new modeling capabilities, and free research licenses—that DOE now is making available to planning entities, RTOs, ISOs, utilities, and states to help advance planning of interregional transmission across the nation. The findings and tools were explored during the public webinar.

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Open a recording of the October 16, 2024, National Transmission Planning Study Informational Webinar.
Video courtesy of the U.S. Department of Energy, Grid Deployment Office