Office of the Associate General Counsel for Finance and Information Law

The Office of the Associate General Counsel for Finance and Information Law (GC-22) provides legal support for non-programmatic issues other than those involving procurement and intellectual property.  The office serves as program counsel for the Offices of the Chief Financial Officer, Management and Administration (with the exception of procurement matters), and the Energy Information Administration.   

Generally speaking, the Office of the Assistant General Counsel for General Law handles legal issues that are cross-cutting across program areas, including:

  • Providing legal review and technical support regarding the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act.
  • Reviewing interagency and intra-agency agreements (such as Memoranda of Understanding) and Paperwork Reduction Act notices.
  • Providing legal support on issues involving budgetary and fiscal law; and issues involving real and personal property, including review of acquisitions, and transfers and leases of real property.

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