Advanced Patent Waivers

This is a request by BOEING COMPANY, for a DOE waiver of domestic and foreign patent rights under Bayh-Dole agreement in 35 U.S.C. 202-204
This is a request by GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. for a DOE waiver of domestic and foreign patent rights under Bayh-Dole agreement in 35 U.S.C. 202-204
This is a request by LG Fuel Cell System for a DOE waiver of domestic and foreign patent rights under Bayh-Dole agreement in 35 U.S.C. 202-204
This is a request by General Electric Company for a DOE waiver of domestic and foreign patent rights under Bayh-Dole agreement in 35 U.S.C. 202-204
This is a request by LINDE (LLC) for a DOE waiver of domestic and foreign patent rights made in the course of an informal collaboration between LINDE and GAS TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE originally awarded to PRATT & WHITNEY
This is a request by CERAMATEC, INC. for a DOE waiver of domestic and foreign patent rights under Bayh-Dole agreement in 35 U.S.C. 202-204
This is a request by Doosan Gridtech Services, LLC for a DOE waiver of domestic and foreign patent rights under agreement DE-EE0007177
This is a request by UNITED TECHNICAL RESEARCH for a DOE waiver of domestic and foreign patent rights under agreement DE-AC04-94AL8500