The resources below provide information on the ethics laws, regulations and guidelines that govern Executive Branch employees' conduct, including DOE employees. DOE promulgated its own supplemental ethics regulation (5 CFR Part 3301) in 1996 to augment the Office of Government Ethics' Standards of Ethical Conduct. The Department's ethics regulation and other selected ethics laws and regulations are accessible from this page for ready reference (click on " Ethics Laws and Regulations" below).
Topic Pages
- Ethics Laws, Regulations & DOE Policies
- Ethics DOECASTs
- Public Financial Disclosure (OGE Form 278e)
- Confidential Financial Disclosure (OGE Form 450)
- Conflicts of Interest
- Outside Employment and Activities
- Gifts and Attendance at Events
- Misuse of Position
- Seeking Employment and Post-Employment
- Political Activity
- Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)
- Intergovernmental Personnel Act Assignments and Details
- Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)
- Ethics Guidance for Hiring Managers
- Social Media