Overview of the ZEV Ready Designation Steps

The Federal Energy Management Program's (FEMP's) ZEV Ready designation includes the initial 12 steps of the site-level federal fleet electrification process organized into four planning areas: Team Ready, Vehicle Ready, Charging Ready, and Commitment Ready.

ZEV Ready

What Is ZEV Ready?

ZEV Ready is a planning framework to guide and support agency federal fleet stakeholders through the process to electrify each fleet location. Once the fleet location has successfully completed the planning and design phases, it is designated as ZEV Ready. The site becomes ZEV Active when the stakeholders and fleet are prepared for acquiring, deploying, and operating zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) and supporting electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) at the fleet location.

How Does ZEV Ready Support Fleet Electrification?

The goal of the framework is for the key stakeholders at each fleet location to complete the recommended planning steps, ensure communication across all stakeholders at the fleet location, facility, and headquarters levels, and integrate with other related planning, sustainability, and technical efforts. Once stakeholders have completed the recommended planning steps, the agency fleet site location is self-designated as a ZEV Ready site.

What Are the Components of a ZEV Ready Designation?

The ZEV Ready designation includes four planning component areas: Team Ready, Vehicle Ready, Charging Ready, and Commitment Ready.

Team Ready

Achieve Team Ready status by:

  • Defining team roles, responsibilities, and training needs
  • Supporting stakeholder coordination and collaboration.

Vehicle Ready

Achieve Vehicle Ready status by:

  • Identifying candidate vehicles for electrification at each site.

Charging Ready

Achieve Charging Ready status by:

  • Determining EVSE needs at each site
  • Designing ZEV charging solutions specific to site characteristics.

Commitment Ready

Achieve Commitment Ready status by:

  • Aligning site electrification efforts with overall agency electrification goals
  • Ensuring site leaders coordinate with headquarters' electrification efforts.

What Fleet Electrification Process Steps Are Included in the ZEV Ready Designation?

As shown below, the ZEV Ready designation includes the initial 12 steps of the site-level federal fleet electrification process organized into the four planning areas: Team Ready, Vehicle Ready, Charging Ready, and Commitment Ready. As each site location completes the recommendation actions within each step, they achieve completion designations of Team Ready, Vehicle Ready, Charging Ready, and Commitment Ready.

Team Ready

Team Ready Goals and Steps

Goal: Create and Train Team

Goal: Engage with Key Electrification Stakeholders


Vehicle Ready

Vehicle Ready Goals and Steps

Goal: Identify ZEV Opportunities


Charging Ready

Charging Ready Goals and Steps

Goal: Identify EVSE Opportunities

Goal: Engage with Utility

Goal: Design EVSE Installation


Commitment Ready

Commitment Ready Goals and Steps

Goal: Overall Fleet Planning & Strategy

Goal: Financial Planning

Goal: Obtain Leadership Commitment


How Do Site Locations Achieve a ZEV Ready Designation?

ZEV Ready

Download the ZEV Ready Tracker and email Federal Fleets to begin the ZEV Ready designation process.

Each site location achieves a ZEV Ready designation by completing the recommended actions within the 12 site-level federal fleet electrification process steps. An overview of the ZEV Ready designation process is outlined below.

1. Site Location Registers for ZEV Ready Designation

Typically, the agency headquarters fleet manager or site location fleet manager (and/or site ZEV champion) will register the site location for the ZEV Ready designation, including identifying the key site stakeholders. ZEV Ready is a self-designation that includes a list of recommended actions to be completed by each stakeholder.

2. Stakeholders Review Relevant Process Steps

Using the ZEV Ready framework, the site ZEV champion provides each stakeholder a recommended list of actions to complete as part of the ZEV Ready designation, for each of the four planning areas. The key stakeholders review the detailed discussions of each recommended process step in the ZEV Ready Center, and the corresponding actions recommended to achieve the ZEV Ready designation.

3. Stakeholders Complete Recommended Actions

Once each stakeholder completes the recommended actions within each process step, the site ZEV champion will check the recommended action as completed.

4. Site Completes ZEV Ready Designation by Planning Area

Once the site location has completed enough of the actions, it is designated as ZEV Ready in each planning area (Team Ready, Vehicle Ready, Charging Ready, and Commitment Ready).

5. Site Achieves ZEV Ready Designation

After the site has achieved ZEV Ready designation across the four planning areas, the overall site is self-designated as ZEV Ready.