Incorporate Minimum Efficiency Requirements for Heating and Cooling Products into Federal Acquisition Documents

The Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) organized information about FEMP-designated and ENERGY STAR-qualified heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) and water heating products into tables that mirror American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 90.1-2019 minimum efficiency requirement tables. Federal buyers can use these tables as a reference and to incorporate the proper purchasing requirements set by FEMP and ENERGY STAR into federal acquisition documents.

Minimum efficiency and performance requirements tables for the following covered product categories are included in the sections below.

  • The table below includes minimum efficiency requirements for the following ENERGY STAR-qualified covered product categories: air-source heat pumps (residential) and geothermal heat pumps (residential).

    These ASHRAE 90.1 equipment types are excluded: through-the-wall, air cooled; small-duct high velocity, air cooled; air conditioners, water cooled; air conditioners, evaporatively cooled; condensing units, air cooled; condensing units, water cooled; and condensing units, evaporatively cooled.

    Electrically Operated Unitary Heat Pumps: Minimum Efficiency Requirements
    Equipment TypeSize CategoryHeating Section TypeSubcategory or Rating ConditionMinimum Efficiency
    Air-cooled (cooling mode)<65,000 Btu/hAllSplit system15.0 SEERa; 12.5 EERb; 8.5 HSPFc (single phase); 14.0 SEER (three phased)
    Single package15.0 SEER; 12.0 EER; 8.2 HSPF (single phase); 14.0 SEER (three phased)
    ≥65,000 Btu/h and <135,000 Btu/hElectric resistance (or none)Split system and single package11.8 EER; 12.8 IEERe; 3.4 COPf at 47ºF
    All otherSplit system and single package11.6 EER; 12.6 IEER; 3.4 COP at 47ºF
    ≥135,000 Btu/h and <240,000 Btu/hElectric resistance (or none)Split system and single package10.9 EER; 12.0 IEER; 3.3 COP at 47ºF
    All otherSplit system and single package10.7 EER; 11.8 IEER; 3.3 COP at 47ºF
    ≥240,000 Btu/hgElectric resistance (or none)Split system and single package9.5 EER; 10.6 IEER
    All otherSplit system and single package9.3 EER; 10.4 IEER
    Geothermal, closed loop water-to-air   17.1 EER; 3.6 COP (single phase)
    Geothermal, open loop water-to-air   21.1 EER; 4.1 COP (single phase)
    Geothermal, closed loop water-to-water   16.1 EER; 3.1 COP (single phase)
    Geothermal, open loop water-to-water   20.1 EER; 3.5 COP (single phase)
    Geothermal, direct geoexchange   16.0 EER; 3.6 COP (single phase)

    Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) is the total heat removed from the conditioned space during the annual cooling season, expressed in British thermal units (Btu), divided by the total electrical energy consumed by the air conditioner or heat pump during the same season, expressed in Watt-hours.
    b Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) is the ratio of the average rate of space cooling delivered to the average rate of electrical energy consumed by the air conditioner or heat pump. This ratio is expressed in Btu/Watt-hour.
    c Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF) is the total space heating required in U.S. climate region IV (mixed dry climate) during the space heating season, expressed in Btu, divided by the total electrical energy consumed by the heat pump system during the same season, expressed in Watt-hours.
    d Three-phase heat pumps in the <65,000 Btu/h category are not covered by federal purchasing requirements. Minimum efficiency presented is consistent with ASRHAE 90.1 requirements Table 6.8.1-2.
    e Integrated Energy Efficiency Ratio (IEER) is a weighted average calculation of mechanical cooling EERs determined for four load levels and corresponding rating conditions, as measured in Appendix A of Subpart F of 10 CFR part 431, expressed in Btu/Watt-hour.
    f Coefficient of Performance (COP) is the ratio of the produced cooling effect of an air conditioner or heat pump (or its produced heating effect, depending on the mode of operation) to its net work input, when both the cooling (or heating) effect and the net work input are expressed in identical units of measurement.
    g Heat pumps with size equal to or greater than 240,000 Btu/h are not covered by federal purchasing requirements. Minimum efficiency presented is consistent with ASRHAE 90.1 requirements Table 6.8.1-2.

    All definitions are taken from ENERGY STAR or other reputed sources.

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  • The table below includes minimum efficiency requirements for the following FEMP-designated and ENERGY STAR-qualified covered product categories: boilers (commercial) and boilers (residential).

    Gas- and Oil-Fired Boilers: Minimum Efficiency Requirements
    Equipment TypeSubcategory or Rating ConditionSize Category (Input)Efficiency MetricMinimum Efficiency
    Boilers, hot waterGas-fired<300,000 Btu/hAFUEa90%
    ≥300,000 Btu/h and ≤2,500,000 Btu/hEtb94%
    >2,500,000 Btu/h and ≤10,000,000 Btu/hEcd96%
    >10,000,000 Btu/hdEc82%
    Oil-fired<300,000 Btu/hAFUE87%
    ≥300,000 Btu/h and ≤2,500,000 Btu/hEt94%
    >2,500,000 Btu/h and ≤10,000,000 Btu/hEc89%
    >10,000,000 Btu/hdEc84%
    Boilers, steamGas-fired<300,000 Btu/hAFUE90%
    Gas-fired (all, except natural draft)≥300,000 Btu/h and ≤2,500,000 Btu/hEt94%
    >2,500,000 Btu/h and ≤10,000,000 Btu/hEt83%
    >10,000,000 Btu/hdEt79%
    Gas-fired, natural draft≥300,000 Btu/h and ≤2,500,000 Btu/hEt94%
    >2,500,000 Btu/h and ≤10,000,000 Btu/hEt83%
    >10,000,000 Btu/hdEt79%
    Oil-fired<300,000 Btu/hAFUE87%
    ≥300,000 Btu/h and ≤2,500,000 Btu/hEt94%
    >2,500,000 Btu/h and ≤10,000,000 Btu/hEt85.5%
    >10,000,000 Btu/hdEt81%

    a Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) is the ratio of annual output energy to annual input energy, which includes any non-heating season pilot input loss and, for gas or oil-fired furnaces or boilers, does not include electric energy. Residential Boilers are covered by ENERGY STAR and use AFUE as the efficiency metric.
    b Thermal efficiency (Et) is based on Hydronics Institute, Method to Determine Efficiency of Commercial Space Heating Boilers (HI BTS-2000, Rev. 06.07), and includes the radiation and convection losses from boiler shell in addition to the flue losses.
    c Combustion efficiency (Ec) is the total energy input (100%) minus the percent of flue losses.
    d Boilers with input greater than 10,000,000 Btu/h are not covered by federal purchasing requirements. Minimum efficiency presented is consistent with ASRHAE 90.1-2019 Table 6.8.1-6.

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  • The table below includes minimum efficiency requirements for the following ENERGY STAR-qualified covered product categories:  central air conditioners (residential) and light commercial heating and cooling equipment.

    These ASHRAE 90.1 equipment types are excluded: through-the-wall, air cooled; small-duct high velocity, air cooled; air conditioners, water cooled; air conditioners, evaporatively cooled; condensing units, air cooled; condensing units, water cooled; and condensing units, evaporatively cooled.

    Electrically Operated Unitary Air Conditioners: Minimum Efficiency Requirements
    Equipment TypeSize CategoryHeating Section TypeSubcategory or Rating ConditionMinimum Efficiency
    Air conditioners, air-cooled<65,000 Btu/hAllSplit system15.0 SEER and 12.5 EER (single phase); 13.0 SEER (three phasea)
    Single package15.0 SEER and 12.0 EER (single phase); 14.0 SEER (three phasea)
    ≥65,000 Btu/h and <135,000 Btu/hElectric resistance (or none)Split system and single package12.2 EER and 14.0 IEER
    All otherSplit system and single package12.0 EER and 13.8 IEER
    ≥135,000 Btu/h and <240,000 Btu/hElectric resistance (or none)Split system and single package12.2 EER and 13.2 IEER
    All otherSplit system and single package12.0 EER and 13.0 IEER
    ≥240,000 Btu/h and <760,000 Btu/hbElectric resistance (or none)Split system and single package10.0 EER and 11.6 IEER
    All otherSplit system and single package9.8 EER and 11.4 IEER
    ≥760,000 Btu/hbElectric resistance (or none)Split system and single package9.7 EER and 11.2 IEER
    All otherSplit system and single package9.5 EER and 11.0 IEER

    a Three-phase air conditioners in the <65,000 Btu/h category are not covered by federal purchasing requirements.
    b Air conditioners with size equal to or greater than 240,000 Btu/h are not covered by federal purchasing requirements. Minimum efficiency presented is consistent with ASRHAE 90.1 Table 6.8.1-1.

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    Table Terms

    EER - energy efficiency ratio
    IEER - integrated energy efficiency ratio
    SEER - seasonal energy efficiency ratio

  • The table below includes minimum efficiency requirements for the following FEMP-designated covered product categories: electric chillers, air-cooled; and electric chillers, water-cooled.

    These ASHRAE 90.1 equipment types are excluded: air-cooled absorption, single effect; water-cooled absorption, single effect; absorption double effect, indirect fired; and absorption double effect, direct fired chillers.

    Water-Chilling Packages: Minimum Efficiency Requirements
    Equipment TypeSize CategoryUnitsMinimum Efficiency
    Path A (Full-Load Optimized Applications)Path B (Part-Load Optimized Applications)
    Air-cooled<150 tEERa (Btu/W)≥10.89 FLb≥9.70 FL
    ≥13.7 IPLVc≥16.86 IPLV
    Air-cooled≥150 tEER (Btu/W)≥10.964 FL≥9.70 FL
    ≥14.00 IPLV≥17.13 IPLV
    Water-cooled, electrically operated positive displacement<75 tkW/t≤0.728 FL≤0.78 FL
    ≤0.60 IPLV≤0.50 IPLV
    Water-cooled, electrically operated positive displacement≥75 t and <150 tkW/t≤0.714 FL≤0.75 FL
    ≤0.56 IPLV≤0.49 IPLV
    Water-cooled, electrically operated positive displacement≥150 t and <300 tkW/t≤0.628 FL≤0.68 FL
    ≤0.54 IPLV≤0.44 IPLV
    Water-cooled, electrically operated positive displacement≥300 t and <600 tkW/t≤0.61 FL≤0.625 FL
    ≤0.52 IPLV≤0.41 IPLV
    Water-cooled, electrically operated positive displacement≥600 tkW/t≤0.56 FL≤0.585 FL
    ≤0.50 IPLV≤0.38 IPLV
    Water-cooled, electrically operated centrifugal<150 tkW/t≤0.61 FL≤0.695 FL
    ≤0.55 IPLV≤0.44 IPLV
    Water-cooled, electrically operated centrifugal≥150 t and <300 tkW/t≤0.544 FL≤0.635 FL
    ≤0.55 IPLV≤0.38 IPLV
    Water-cooled, electrically operated centrifugal≥300 t and <400 tkW/t≤0.544 FL≤0.595 FL
    ≤0.52 IPLV≤0.37 IPLV
    Water-cooled, electrically operated centrifugal≥400 t and <600 tkW/t≤0.541 FL≤0.585 FL
    ≤0.50 IPLV≤0.36 IPLV
    Water-cooled, electrically operated centrifugal≥600 tkW/t≤0.52 FL≤0.585 FL
    ≤0.50 IPLV≤0.325 IPLV

    a Energy efficiency ratio (EER) is the ratio of the average rate of space cooling delivered to the average rate of electrical energy consumed by the equipment (in this case. chiller). In the case of chillers, it is expressed in British thermal unit/Watt (Btu/W).
    b Full-load efficiency (FL) is calculated while the equipment is operating at 100% load.
    c Integrated Part-Load Value (IPLV) efficiency is calculated using the efficiency of the equipment while operating at load capacities of 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25% as prescribed in the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute 550/590 test procedure.

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  • The table below includes performance requirements for the following FEMP-designated and ENERGY STAR-qualified covered product categories: water heaters (residential), and gas water heaters (commercial).

    These ASHRAE 90.1 equipment types are excluded: oil storage water heaters; oil instantaneous water heaters; hot-water supply boilers, gas and oil; hot-water supply boilers, gas; hot-water supply boilers, oil; pool heaters, oil and gas; heat-pump pool heaters; and unfired storage tanks.


    Water-Heating Equipment: Performance Requirements
    Equipment TypeSize Category (Input)Subcategory or Rating ConditionPerformance Required
    Electric storage water heaters≤24 A and ≤250 VIntegrated heat pump water heater (HPWH)UEFa ≥3.3 and FHRb ≥45 gal/h
    Integrated HPWH, >120 V / 15 Amp circuitUEF ≥2.2 and FHR ≥45 gal/h
    Split-system HPWHUEF ≥2.2 and FHR ≥45 gal/h
    >12kWHPWHCOPh ≥3.0
    Gas storage water heaters≤75,000 Btu/h≥20 gal and ≤55 galUEF ≥0.64 (Medium DPc); UEF ≥0.68 (High DP) and FHR ≥51 gal/h
    >55 gal and ≤100 galUEF ≥0.78 (Medium DP); UEF ≥0.80 (High DP) and FHR ≥51 gal/h
    >75,000 and ≤105,000 Btu/hrd≤120 gal
    UEF ≥0.80
    >75,000 Btu/h>4,000 (Btu/h)/galTEe ≥0.94 and SLf ≤0.84 * [(input rate/800) + 100√volume)] Btu/h
    Gas instantaneous water heaters≥50,000 Btu/h and <200,000 Btu/h<4,000 (Btu/h)/galUEF ≥0.87 and GPMg ≥2.8 over a 67°F rise
    ≥200,000 Btu/h≥4,000 (Btu/h)/galTE ≥0.94 and SL ≤0.84 * [(input rate/800) + 100√volume)] Btu/h
    Solar water heaters≤75,000 Btu/hElectric backupSUEFh ≥3.0
    Gas backupSUEF ≥1.8

    a Uniform Energy Factor (UEF) is the measure of water heater energy efficiency, as defined in 10 CFR 430 Subpart B.
    b First-Hour Rating (FHR) is an estimate of the maximum volume of hot water in gallons that a storage water heater can supply within an hour that begins with the water heater fully heated.
    c Draw Pattern (DP) refers to the water draw profile in the UEF test.
    d Gas storage water heaters with input capacity >75,000 and ≤105,000 Btu/hr must comply with the requirements of the >75,000 Btu/hr if the water heater either (1) has a storage volume > 120 gal; (2) is designed to provide outlet hot water temperatures greater than 180°F; or (3) uses three-phase power.
    e Thermal Efficiency (TE) is the ratio of the heat transferred to the water flowing through the water heater to the amount of energy consumed by the water heater.
    f SL is the standby loss.

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  • The table below includes minimum efficiency requirements for the following ENERGY STAR-qualified covered product category: gas furnaces (residential).

    These ASHRAE 90.1 equipment types are excluded: warm-air duct furnaces, gas fired; warm-air unit heaters, gas fired; and warm-air unit heaters, oil fired.

    Warm-Air Furnaces: Minimum Efficiency Requirements
    Equipment TypeSize Category (Input)Subcategory or Rating ConditionMinimum Efficiency
    Warm-air furnace, gas fired<225,000 Btu/hMaximum capacity≥95.0% (U.S. North/Canada)
    ≥90.0% (U.S. South)
    ≥225,000 Btu/haMaximum capacity80% Et
    Warm-air furnace, oil fired<225,000 Btu/hMaximum capacity≥85% AFUE
    ≥225,000 Btu/haMaximum capacity81% Et
    a Furnaces with input equal to or greater than 225,000 Btu/h are not covered by federal purchasing requirements. Minimum efficiency presented is consistent with ASRHAE 90.1-2013 Table 6.8.1-5.

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    Table Terms

    AFUE - annual fuel utilization efficiency
    Et - thermal efficiency

  • The table below includes minimum efficiency requirements for the following ENERGY STAR-qualified covered product category: room air conditioners (residential).

    These ASHRAE 90.1 equipment types are excluded: packaged terminal air conditioners, packaged terminal heat pumps, single-package vertical air conditioners, and single-package vertical heat pumps.

    Electrically Operated Room Air Conditioners: Minimum Efficiency Requirements
    Equipment TypeSize Category (Input)Subcategory or Rating ConditionMinimum Efficiency
    Room air conditioners with louvered sides<6,000 Btu/h-12.1 CEER
    ≥6,000 Btu/h and <8,000 Btu/h-12.1 CEER
    ≥8,000 Btu/h and <14,000 Btu/h-12.0 CEER
    ≥14,000 Btu/h and <20,000 Btu/h-11.8 CEER
    ≥20,000 Btu/h and <28,000 Btu/h-10.3 CEER
    ≥28,000 Btu/h-9.9 CEER
    Room air conditioners without louvered sides≤8,000 Btu/h-11.0 CEER
    ≥8,000 Btu/h and <11,000 Btu/h-10.6 CEER
    ≥11,000 Btu/h and <14,000 Btu/h-10.5 CEER
    ≥14,000,000 Btu/h and <20,000 Btu/h-10.2 CEER
    ≥20,000,000 Btu/h-10.3 CEER
    Room air-conditioner heat pumps with louvered sides<20,000 Btu/h-10.8 CEER
    ≥20,000 Btu/h-10.2 CEER
    Room air-conditioner heat pumps without louvered sides<14,000 Btu/h-10.2 CEER
    ≥14,000 Btu/h-9.6 CEER
    Room air conditioner, casement onlyAll capacities-10.5 CEER
    Room air conditioner, casement sliderAll capacities-11.4 CEER

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    Table Terms

    CEER - combined energy efficiency ratio
    EER - energy efficiency ratio