Energy Savings Performance Contract ENABLE Energy Conservation Measures

Federal agencies are allowed to use the following energy conservation measures (ECMs) for the Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) ENABLE projects.

Learn about how to include other General Services Administration Supply Schedule SIN 334512 ECMs in a project using a hybrid approach.

ECMIncluded in the Investment Grade Audit (IGA) ToolNot Included in the IGA Tool

- Lamps, ballasts, fixtures

- Controls: occupancy, day lighting (on/off, dimming)


Solar lighting (off-grid installations allowed)



- Sanitary plumbing fixtures: sinks, toilets, urinals, showers

- Irrigation

- Leak repair

- Domestic/commercial hot water heaters

- Water-based appliances (e.g. dishwashers, ice machines, clothes washers, etc.)


Heating/cooling system improvements (cooling towers once-through cooling, condensate reclaim)


Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Controls

Whole building control strategies:

- Time/temperature set-back

- Demand/night ventilation

Advanced controls1:

Energy management control systems /building automation systems

HVAC Equipment

Basic whole building/system one-for-one replacement2 of:

- Window AC units/electric baseboard heat

- Split AC/furnace

- Heat pumps

- Packaged terminal air conditioner

- Packaged single zone air conditioner

- Roof top units (RTU)

- Single building boiler/chiller

- Central boiler/chiller plants

- Retro-commissioning-based activities

- Non-building related heating/cooling/ventilation

Solar Photovoltaic (PV)

- Ground, roof, parking canopy mount

- Fixed and tracking arrays

- Grid-tied and off-grid


- Solar thermal (hot water)

- Hybrid PV/hot water systems

1 Advanced controls may be considered; however savings calculations within the FEMP IGA Tool are limited to time/temperature set-back, demand/night ventilation.

2 The IGA Tool is configured to model one-for -one replacement of whole system(s) across an entire building with "like" systems (e.g., replace three RTUs with three higher-efficiency RTUs. The IGA Tool is not configured to model partial replacements of building HVAC systems or replacements or modifications of subsystems (e.g., variable frequency drives on select fan units).