FEMP and Department of Transportation Partnership Wins GreenGov Award

Members of FEMP's staff were recognized with a GreenGov Presidential Green Team Award for work done in partnership with the Department of Transport...

Federal Energy Management Program

November 6, 2014
minute read time

The FEMP half of the GreenGov Presidential Green Dream Team. Pictured left to right: Brad Gustafson, Mark Reichhardt, David Boomsma, Sarah Jensen, and Tim Unruh. Not pictured: Nancy Henry, Hetal Jain, Brent Kurapatskie, Steve Renzi, and Eugene Tumblin.

Late last month, staff members from the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) were recognized with a GreenGov Presidential Green Team Award for work done in partnership with the Department of Transportation (DOT). The partnership, which began with a 2013 Memorandum of Understanding, created a team that together focused on three priority areas:

  • Energy efficiency improvements through “desk audits:” From a group of 262 unstaffed Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) radar facilities with standardized floor plans, the team visited 26 facilities and was able to develop detailed site evaluation summaries and extrapolate cost and energy savings across the remaining 236 radar facilities.

  • Vehicle fleet sustainability: FEMP provided DOT with the Fleet Sustainability Dashboard (FleetDASH), which tracks fuel consumption in General Services Administration-leased vehicles and identifies missed opportunities to use alternative fuel in dual-fuel vehicles when alternative fuel is available nearby.

  • Sustainable buildings: FEMP used the latest building technologies and techniques to assist the Department in designing one of the first energy- and water-efficient airport control towers that meet the high-performance sustainable building standards. The tower design for Federal Aviation Administration's Boise tower will serve as a template for other new towers and major renovations.

FEMP is proud to be recognized for providing energy and sustainability assistance to DOT and throughout the federal portfolio and is thrilled to be among the top federal agencies acknowledged as sustainability leaders in federal government.

Congratulations to the FEMP/DOT team and to all the GreenGov award winners!

  • Federal Energy Management Laws & Requirements
  • Federal Energy-Efficient Product Procurement
  • Federal Facility Optimization and Management
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Federal Interagency Collaboration and Working Groups