E.O. 14057 sets a goal for the federal government to achieve 100% carbon pollution-free electricity (CFE) on a net annual basis by 2030, including 50% 24 hours per day/7 days per week (24/7)—or "hourly matched"—CFE. Below is information on the difference between net annual and hourly matching, why it matters, and what agencies can do to work toward 24/7 CFE.
What Is Carbon Pollution-Free Electricity?
Per E.O. 14057, Section 603(d), carbon pollution-free electricity is generated from resources including marine energy, solar, wind, hydrokinetic (including tidal, wave, current, and thermal), geothermal, hydroelectric, nuclear, renewably sourced hydrogen, and fossil resources that capture and store carbon dioxide emissions in line with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requirements.
Net Annual Matching of Carbon Pollution-Free Electricity
E.O. 14057 sets a goal for the U.S. government to achieve 100% carbon pollution-free electricity on a net annual basis by 2030. Annually matched targets require consumers to use CFE from the grid or their own behind the meter installations and offset any fossil fuel electricity consumption through the purchase of energy attribute certificates (EACs). These EACs represent CFE that may have been produced at a separate location from the consumer's operations, at any time of day. For example, a consumer can use CFE from the grid and behind the meter installations during the day and purchase EACs to offset any fossil fuel consumption that happens during evening hours. In this scenario, a consumer can run on 100% annually matched CFE, but still rely on fossil fuel energy generation to power its operations at points. This means that commitments to annually matched targets may not be enough to decarbonize the grid or eliminate carbon emissions associated with federal electricity consumption.
24/7 or "Hourly Matched" Carbon Pollution-Free Electricity
E.O. 14057 also sets a goal for the U.S. government to achieve 50% 24/7 carbon pollution-free electricity by 2030. Per E.O. 14057, Section 603(a), 24/7 CFE is CFE procured to match annual electricity consumption on an hourly basis and is produced within the same regional grid where the energy is consumed. In contrast to annually matched CFE, 24/7 or "hourly matched" CFE targets specify that electricity must be dispatched in the same hour it is consumed. This means that fossil–generated electricity consumed from 10 p.m. to 11 p.m. can only be offset by an EAC for CFE dispatched during the same time. Implementing instructions further identifying the characteristics of 24/7 CFE specified by E.O. 14057 are forthcoming from CEQ.
Benefits of 24/7 Carbon Pollution-Free Electricity
Hourly matched targets for carbon pollution-free electricity can help decarbonize the electric grid more quickly than goals set in terms of annual matching. In particular, hourly matched targets support the deployment of carbon pollution-free resources able to generate electricity at stable levels at any time of day. These "clean firm" technologies include things like geothermal and nuclear energy, as well as long duration energy storage, all of which help support climate resilience, grid reliability, energy independence, and cost stability.
Some of these "clean firm" technologies require significant upfront investment, and the more they are deployed the more their costs will decrease through learning-by-doing, helping make decarbonization easier for everyone. Furthermore, as hourly targets differentiate between an hour of CFE generated at noon and the more challenging-to-generate hour at night, 24/7 targets ensure that hourly energy attribute certificates will better reflect the value of the resource they are tied to. This helps create additional revenue to support deployment of technologies that operate when other carbon pollution-free resources are scarce, but which may have higher upfront costs.
Considerations for Federal Energy Managers
As federal energy managers work to meet the 24/7 carbon pollution-free electricity target within E.O. 14057, agencies can take the following steps now.
Advanced metering infrastructure provides the data needed to plan for and track progress toward 24/7 CFE, and enables load management practices that support the flexibility needed to achieve 24/7 CFE targets.
Energy Efficiency
Reducing electricity consumption makes the act of matching hourly generation to hourly consumption easier. Energy efficiency measures taken now will help agencies meet E.O. 14057 goals for reducing building emissions and set agencies up for success in pursuit of 24/7 CFE goals.
Increased Carbon Pollution-Free Electricity Procurement
When starting out, CFE procurement that supports the 100% annual matching goal will also help progress toward the 24/7 CFE target. CFE procurements that bundle resources with complementary generation profiles, like solar and wind, or solar and battery storage, are particularly helpful in increasing the portion of hourly generation matched to hourly consumption.
Integrated Fleet, Facility, and Carbon Pollution-Free Electricity Procurement Planning
As agencies work to decarbonize facility and fleet operations in line with E.O. 14057 and the Clean Energy Rule, decisions about fleet and facility management will impact the hourly electricity demand of a consumer, and therefore its 24/7 CFE procurement needs. To successfully meet these goals in tandem, it will be increasingly important to coordinate planning across these areas.
Questions and Additional Resources
For questions about 24/7 CFE, contact the FEMP assistance portal.
As FEMP learns more it will expand the information on this page. It is currently interested in research questions pertaining to 24/7 CFE-specific:
- Technologies
- Pricing
- Contract structures.
The U.S. government participated in a forum on 24/7 CFE hosted by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in early June 2024. Download a summary of the main points from the forum.