2004 Federal Energy and Water Management Award Winners

The Federal Energy and Water Management Awards recognize individuals, groups, and agencies for their outstanding contributions in the areas of energy efficiency, water conservation, and the use of advanced and renewable energy technologies at federal facilities. Winners of the 2004 Federal Energy and Water Management Awards include the following.

Water Conservation Award to an Individual

Rick Dreisch
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Environmental Science Center
Fort Meade, Maryland

During FY 2003, Mr. Dreisch implemented an innovative, two-pronged approach to achieve exceptional water savings at the EPA's Environmental Science Center (ESC). The ESC laboratories conduct tests on soil, air, and water to determine the presence of pollutants and other contaminants. Some of these tests require use of potable or highly-purified deionized water. Through careful monitoring and analysis, Mr. Dreisch optimized the reverse osmosis system used in generating the deionized water for ESC's laboratories, saving water that would have otherwise been rejected to the sewer. Mr. Dreisch brought the same analytical approach to cooling tower management, reducing the quantity of cooling tower blowdown and total water use by controlling water chemistry and increasing reuse cycles. His recommendation for installing an improved conductivity controller on the cooling tower blowdown system is currently reaping additional savings. Along with native plant landscaping approaches to reduce irrigation and maintenance, these measures resulted in savings of more than 2 million gallons of water and approximately $3,000 in water and sewage fees in FY 2003-a 32 percent reduction from FY 2002. Because these projects involved optimizing existing systems, there were no upfront costs and the savings go directly back to the facility.

Renewable Energy Award to an Organization

Goddard Space Flight Center
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Greenbelt, Maryland

In FY 2003, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) became the first federal facility to heat its buildings with landfill gas. This outstanding achievement was made possible through an innovative public-private partnership between NASA, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Maryland's Prince George's County, and Toro Energy, Inc. The 6 million tons of waste held by Sandy Hill Landfill in Bowie, Maryland generates about 2,300 cubic feet per minute of landfill gas. Investigation of the technical and functional requirements and legal feasibility of harnessing this renewable resource for productive use culminated in the award of a 10-year utility energy services contract with Toro Energy. The project supplied the infrastructure and utility service agreement needed to collect methane gas from the landfill, transport it 5 miles to GSFC, and burn it in a central heating plant that serves 31 buildings on the Center's 1,270-acre campus. The landfill gas will supply 80 percent or more of the energy needed to heat the Center at a lower cost than conventional natural gas service. In FY 2003, this project saved GSFC more than $1 million in energy costs and contributed more than 270 billion Btu toward the federal renewable energy goal. With experience gained during the first year of operations, the project is now expected to save $1.3 million and 365 billion Btu annually.

Renewable Energy Award to an Individual

Daniel Greene
U.S. Department of the Army

Directorate of Public Works (DPW), Area II
Seoul, Korea

While serving as the Utilities Chief for Area II Directorate of Public Works, Daniel Greene initiated several programs to improve the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in the aging buildings at Yongsan Garrison, Korea as well as the overall energy efficiency of the entire community. Mr. Greene implemented an energy savings performance contract (ESPC) to replace the out-dated HVAC systems with geothermal heat pumps – the first-ever installation of this technology for the U.S. Army in Korea. His hard work paved the way for the implementation of additional ESPCs in the Far East area. Additionally, Mr. Greene replaced inefficient, vulnerable overhead power lines with state-of-the-art underground cable distribution systems, vastly improving system efficiency and reliability. He also spearheaded the installation of a natural gas line, which allowed the conversion of over 60 conventional fuel oil burners to gas burners. The conversion saved more than 1.5 million gallons of fuel oil in FY 2003 and eliminated 80 underground fuel tanks, along with the potential for fuel spills and ground contamination. These and other projects resulted in energy reductions that saved more than $870,000 in FY 2003. Just as important, these efforts have significantly improved the quality of life for soldiers and their families.

Mobility Energy Efficiency Awards to Organizations

U.S. Department of the Navy
Strike Fighter Squadron FOUR ONE

Strike Fighter Squadron FOUR ONE (VFA-41) was the first to apply several gas-saving strategies in aerial refueling of fighter jets that will become the standard practice for future operations. Normally, before a jet can recover aboard an aircraft carrier, it must expend enough fuel to be under the maximum allowable weight. This often requires dumping thousands of pounds of fuel overboard just before recovery. To avoid this waste, VFA-41 implemented strategies that allowed a tanker jet to consolidate its gas with other airborne jets or with the tanker being used for the next flight cycle. This strategy alone was estimated to save more than 126,000 gallons of fuel. To further maximize gas usage, VFA-41 switched the launching schedule of tanker jets, allowing the tankers time to fill in for other training or mission requirements that would normally call for an additional maneuver. The Squadron also scheduled multiple qualification flights for the same event, providing the same level of training, but reducing the total number of exercises required. Together, these approaches were estimated to save more than $885,000 in fuel costs, $8,100 in electricity costs, and more than 130 billion Btu in FY 2003.

U.S. Department of the Navy

To achieve its aggressive energy management goals in FY 2003, USS COWPENS rigorously maintained a fuel-efficient plant, a high level of crew awareness, continuous monitoring of machinery to ensure economical operation, and strict adherence to sound and proven engineering management practices. COWPENS' energy management program included constant training of deck and engineering watch officers on the most efficient plant configurations and system alignment to maximize fuel economy while supporting operational requirements. Energy use was reduced both underway and in port through regular scheduling and completion of necessary maintenance. Several quality control programs were implemented to ensure that equipment repairs and adjustments were conducted before any energy was wasted or a casualty occurred. Additionally, well-planned equipment usage and rotation schedules reduced the number of starts and stops required, limiting stress on the engineering plant and saving the fuel required to start engines. In spite of a very demanding deployment schedule in support of national security goals and the ongoing war on terrorism in FY 2003, these practices resulted in savings of $569,000 in fuel costs and 88 billion Btu.

U.S. Department of the Navy

In FY 2003, USS RENTZ achieved outstanding operational readiness while integrating energy conservation awareness and consistent energy management practices. During 170 days of underway and auxiliary steaming, watch teams ensured that engines operated at the most economical speeds, while also monitoring fuel flow and system performance for early detection of excessive fuel consumption or required maintenance. An aggressive maintenance program assured the completion of 100 percent of maintenance actions, resulting in the most efficient operation of equipment. Additionally, RENTZ's energy program included training of engineering staff in oil spill prevention to protect the environment and avoid waste. These and other measures resulted in a 26 percent reduction in fuel consumption over the ship energy program baseline, equating to savings of more than $444,000 and 73 billion Btu in FY 2003.

Energy Security and Reliability Award to a Small Group

Steve Allen
Jim Christo
Dave Cleveland
LCDR Chris Lund
LCDR Mike Walz
U.S. Department of Homeland Security

U.S. Coast Guard Air Station Cape Cod
Falmouth, Massachusetts

A distributed generation project was initiated at Air Station Cape Cod with installation of a fuel cell. This is part of the U.S. Coast Guard's ongoing efforts to explore energy production that will reduce reliance on foreign fuel and traditional commercial power sources, reduce environmental impacts, increase reliability, and maximize efficiency. Air Station Cape Cod was selected as a test site based on its electrical load requirements and ability to utilize the fuel cell's recovered exhaust heat for domestic hot water and galley dishwater. With grants from the U.S. Department of Energy and the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative, a 250 kilowatt combined heat and power system was brought on line in May of 2003. In the six remaining months of FY 2003, the fuel cell provided approximately 60 percent of the Air Station's demand, saving about $30,000 in energy costs and more than 2 billion Btu in natural gas purchases. In the case of a catastrophic grid failure, the system is currently capable of providing almost 100 percent of base requirements when operated at full capacity. Additional benefits include reduced emissions, thermal pollution, and noise. This successful project has served as a benchmark for future public and private investments in fuel cell technology.

Energy Security and Reliability Award to an Individual

Harry Debes
U.S. General Services Administration

Combined Heat and Power for the Food and Drug Administration Office Consolidation
White Oak, Maryland

Under the leadership of Harry Debes, the General Services Administration designed a project for the Food and Drug Administration's White Oak, Maryland Campus that uses a sustainable approach to improve energy efficiency, security, and reliability. In FY 2003, Mr. Debes worked with Sempra Energy Solutions to implement an energy savings performance contract (ESPC) to install a 5.8 megawatt combined heat and power (CHP) facility as part of the first phase of the campus build-out. The plant provides reliable, uninterrupted on-site electricity generation capability for three facilities on campus' laboratory, an office building, and a multi-use facility. Heat is recovered from the generating process to produce hot water and chilled water in absorption chillers, further increasing the thermal efficiency of the plant by 30 percent and significantly reducing pollution emissions. Furthermore, planned expansion of the CHP system will support 100 percent power generation for the entire campus after the remaining build-out is complete, keeping the local utility from having to accommodate the 25 megawatt load that would otherwise be required. The ESPC also covers installation of a photovoltaic array, lighting upgrades, glazing improvements, HVAC upgrades, and night set-back controls. Together these measures will save more than 37 million kilowatt-hours, $1.4 million in energy costs, and $2.1 million in operation and maintenance costs annually.

Energy Efficiency/Energy Program Management Awards to Organizations

U.S. Department of Energy
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Golden, Colorado

In FY 2003, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) demonstrated leadership in sustainability through the implementation of their comprehensive, laboratory-wide "Sustainable NREL" program. A considerable number of projects helped NREL achieve significant results in meeting and exceeding federal sustainability mandates. For example, several energy retrofit and water conservation projects resulted in savings of almost 3.9 million Btu and 1.1 million gallons of water. NREL purchased almost 2 million kilowatt-hours of green power, representing about 10 percent of their annual electricity usage in FY 2003. On-site wind and PV systems generated 120 megawatt-hours of electricity to further offset utility purchases. Seventy-five percent of NREL's fleet are now alternative fuel vehicles, which reduced the fleet's petroleum use by more than 2,000 gallons, a 19 percent improvement from FY 2002. Through an environmentally-preferable purchasing program, 100 percent of office paper, carpeting, and toner cartridges purchased contained recycled content. NREL also recycled over 230,000 pounds of office materials, a 12 percent increase from FY 2002. Finally, in FY 2003 NREL designed their National Wind Technology Center Site Entrance Building as a state-of-the-art, near zero energy building, with sustainable features such as daylighting, a good thermal envelope, passive solar heating, photovoltaics, and a wind turbine.

U.S. Department of Energy
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has demonstrated energy and environmental leadership in the modernization of their 50-year-old campus facilities. The first component of the project, completed in FY 2003, was the modernization of the 300,000-square-foot East Campus, the largest portion of the revitalization of ORNL facilities. Several important energy savings measures were implemented including: reflective roof and additional roof insulation, high-performance glazing, additional wall insulation, higher-efficiency lighting, energy efficient motors, enthalpy economizers, high-efficiency chillers, primary-secondary chilled water loops, variable air volume systems, and perimeter induction units designed to minimize fan power. These renovations earned the East Campus Modernization project certification by the U.S. Green Buildings Council as a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) Version 2 project. Only two months after completion of the renovations, ORNL already saved $80,000 and more than 5.5 billion Btu. Additionally, the modernization of the East Campus initiated important changes to established practices that now allow all new building projects to proceed using sustainable, integrated design principles.

U.S. Department of Energy,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and
U.S. General Services Administration
Energy Star® Project

Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center
Atlanta, Georgia

In FY 2003, the General Services Administration, Department of Energy, and Environmental Protection Agency worked together to establish a comprehensive program to address high energy usage in the 1.6 million-square-foot Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center. The partnership leveraged resources and skills to implement a holistic recommissioning effort based on the ENERGY STAR® Building Program, with the goal of having the building qualify for ENERGY STAR® certification after 12 months of demonstrated savings. The team met regularly to analyze building energy, resulting in ongoing metering and evaluation, pilot projects for motion sensor installation, occupant-focused energy awareness programs, and building systems recommissioning. A whole-building evaluation was performed to identify simple, low-cost modifications to dramatically reduce energy use. Just a few of these measures included de-lamping excessively lit areas, installing motion sensors, repairing improperly installed or broken equipment, and devising an after-hours setback mode so that air-handlers will no longer run around the clock, but only when heat is required. The recommissioning effort reduced cooling loads, increasing efficiency of the central plant and saving almost 12 billion Btu in FY 2003 – enough energy to power 228 homes over a one-year period. The team is now commissioning additional buildings based on the successful Atlanta Federal Center model.

U.S. Department of the Navy
Naval Station Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

To better coordinate the effects of Navy's energy projects in the Pearl Harbor region, in FY 2003 Naval Station Pearl Harbor developed Hawaii Navy Energy Vision 2020, a strategic view of the Pearl Harbor region's energy requirements. Through the implementation of the plan, the region was able to implement effective energy policies and projects, such as procuring more ENERGY STAR® lighting products and equipment, improving data collection, and reviewing all new projects for sustainability features. The program also investigated strategies to enhance energy security, such as acquiring landfill gas from a local landfill, improving efficiency of the chiller plant through combined heat and power equipment, and using off-peak thermal storage, sea water air conditioning, and deep well chilled water production. The "Take Charge Hawaii" program used Regional Energy Managers to audit building occupant energy use and behavior. By the end of FY 2003, the program audited over 7 million square feet of facilities, uncovering numerous "energy self-help" projects that saved more than $262,000. In one of the largest self-help projects, sailors living in various barracks replaced more than 10,000 incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent lamps. Along with a rigorous energy awareness and training program, these measures helped Naval Station Pearl Harbor save more than $4 million in energy costs and 58.7 billion Btu in FY 2003.

U.S. Department of the Navy
Navy Public Works Center
San Diego, California

In FY 2003, the Navy Public Works Center, San Diego (PWCSD) completed $3 million in comprehensive energy upgrades on six central compressor plants at four Naval and Marine Corps bases to provide high quality compressed air at the lowest possible energy cost. The project implemented state-of-the-art compressor technology, which enabled PWCSD to take two of the six existing compressor plants offline while improving the overall quality of the compressed air and the efficiency of the systems. At Naval Base Coronado and Naval Base San Diego, the PWCSD tied two independent compressor plants together, allowing for greater efficiency and reliability. At Naval Base Point Loma and Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, PWCSD implemented energy upgrades that greatly reduced compressor energy use while improving system reliability. These projects reduced energy use by more than 19 billion Btu in FY 2003, saving $560,000 in compressed air production costs and reducing Navy peak electrical demand on the taxed California power grid by 1.6 megawatts.

United States Marine Corps
Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton
Camp Pendleton, California

During FY 2003, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton used financing strategies identified in Executive Order 13123 to save energy, reduce pollution, and improve the quality of life for base residents and personnel. To achieve these goals, the base implemented a utility energy services contract (UESC) and an energy savings performance contract (ESPC). The UESC financed $11.7 million worth of energy efficiency projects including replacing inefficient and obsolete heating and air-conditioning units, upgrading lighting in industrial warehouses and integrating daylighting systems, and installing more than 200 photovoltaic streetlights and caution lights throughout the base – one of the largest applications of solar-powered streetlights in the federal government. The $5.7 million ESPC for the Camp Pendleton Air Station merged high-efficiency lighting with daylighting in seven aircraft hangars and replaced several inefficient heating and air conditioning units along with energy management systems. In FY 2003, these projects saved more than 121 billion Btu and more than $2 million in energy costs, helping the base reach mandated energy reduction goals two years early.

U.S. Social Security Administration
Annex Building
Baltimore, Maryland

In FY 2003, the Social Security Administration (SSA) worked with the General Services Administration to renovate its 477,000-square-foot Annex Building on SSA's Main Campus in Baltimore, Maryland. The renovation project used numerous sustainable design strategies, resulting in an environmentally-sensitive facility that earned a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) 2.0 Certification from the U.S. Green Building Council. Rather than erect a new building, the project team reused the existing structure, saving $25 million in construction costs. In addition, the team worked aggressively to salvage over 75 percent of building and construction materials, preventing over 4,000 tons of material from entering the landfill and saving an additional $310,000. Energy saving features such as natural daylighting, high efficiency lighting, thermal ice storage, economizers, high performance windows, revolving doors, reflective roofing, energy efficient HVAC equipment, and low-maintenance landscaping reduce energy use by 13 percent over a conventional building. The lighting retrofits alone are estimated to save more than 5 million kilowatt-hours and more than $380,000 annually.

Energy Efficiency/Energy Program Management Awards to Small Groups

Gary Emery
Kerry d'Hemecourt
Christopher Wheeler
United States Air Force

Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, North Carolina

In FY 2003, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base's Energy Management Team planned, managed, and executed an initiative to substantially reduce energy consumption at a mission critical medical facility. The Koritz Medical Clinic, comprised of 100,000 square feet of administrative, clinical, and patient care areas, is served by over 400 tons of cooling and 17 air handler units. Prior to this project, there was no operation to disable air handlers during unoccupied hours, use economizers, or disable heating equipment during summer months. The team partnered with the contracted maintenance personnel to upgrade the antiquated HVAC control system. They began with a comprehensive check-up of the system, worked to solve apparent mechanical problems, installed new system controls, and conducted thorough training for hospital personnel. The final step in the upgrade was to incorporate an "anthrax shutdown" plan to safeguard patients and staff. Within two minutes of notification, all airflow to the facility can be disengaged to prevent transfer of airborne particles. The new control system also allows for shut-down during unoccupied hours, which saves over 70,000 hours of run-time a year, increases the equipment's life expectancy, and reduces wear and tear on the system. After one year, the project saved more than $35,000 in energy costs and 1.8 billion Btu.

Steve Driver
Paul LeBlond
Donald Michaud
U.S. Department of the Army

United States Military Academy
West Point, New York

The United States Military Academy Energy Team has implemented ten successful energy projects at West Point since an energy savings performance contract (ESPC) was established through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Huntsville Support Center in 1995. In FY 2003, the team completed the largest project with the most savings potential to-date, replacing two central power plant boilers dedicated to providing steam and hot water to more than half of the buildings at the Academy. The steam is also used to generate electricity and chilled water via steam absorption. A new natural gas pipeline was installed and the boiler's primary fuel was converted from fuel oil to natural gas, reducing air emissions by 190 tons annually and eliminating the need to store 1.5 million gallons of fuel oil and the associated environmental risks of handling large volumes of fuel oil along the shores of the Hudson River. The natural gas conversion increased boiler steam efficiency to 80 percent, a 15 percent increase from the old system. The boiler conversion, along with the other ESPC projects, saved more than 194 billion Btu and $2.4 million in energy costs in FY 2003, and is expected to save an additional $1.1 million annually.

Robert Baker
Carol Lautzenheiser
Kevin Myles
Robert Seiffert
Mark Trimarchi
New Mexico and West Texas ESPC Project
U.S. General Services Administration

Fort Worth, Texas

In FY 2003, GSA's Greater Southwest Region Energy Team implemented an energy savings performance contract in 36 federal office buildings, courthouses, parking garages, and border stations located throughout New Mexico and West Texas consisting of approximately 2.2 million square feet of floor space. The ESPC covered implementation of four energy conservation measures: lighting upgrades, control system upgrades, water conservation upgrades, and a photovoltaic solar system installation. The team retrofitted a total of 14,000 fluorescent fixtures with high efficiency lighting in all 36 facilities. The control upgrade included new direct digital controls to provide better scheduling of the HVAC equipment at each facility. In 28 buildings, the team upgraded toilets, urinals, and faucets with new water-conserving equipment to reduce annual water and energy charges and reduce maintenance and repair costs. During daylight hours, a new photovoltaic system will power equipment at the Roswell Federal Building. A major accomplishment of the project was the team's partnership with the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) and El Paso Electric, resulting in almost $300,000 in financial incentives and rebates for installation of energy efficient equipment resulting in air quality improvements – the largest energy incentive grant awarded by PUCT to-date. Project investments of $2.7 million will save more than 16 billion Btu, 4 million gallons of water, and $300,000 annually.

Alan Kirby
Donna Maffeo
Manny Neves
Aline Poulin
Vern Stump
Portland Maine Customhouse

U.S. General Services Administration
Augusta, Maine

When the U.S. Custom House in Portland, Maine, built in 1878, required an HVAC upgrade, the team worked hard to find a solution that would maintain the building's historic architecture, save energy, and address the site's environmental and indoor air quality issues. The building's 30-year old HVAC system used an underground 6,000-gallon steel oil tank – an environmental liability. Furthermore, the system's fresh air intake louver was located at the ground level, drawing car and bus exhaust fumes into the building. After investigating several options, it was determined that the life-cycle cost of installing a geothermal heat pump would result in savings of $80,000. Additionally, the system would realize potential energy savings of approximately 30 percent over a traditional chiller/boiler HVAC system, with lower maintenance and fuel costs. As part of the installation, the building's interior ventilation system was refurbished to assure high indoor air quality. Health risks posed by the original HVAC system were eliminated and carbon emissions at the historic site were reduced by almost 250,000 metric tons annually. As a result of the geothermal installation and an electrical service upgrade, energy consumption in FY 2003 actually decreased by more than 1.1 billion Btu, or 49 percent.

Phil Beste
Jerry Gray
Mark Halvorsen
U.S. Department of the Navy

Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Keyport
Keyport, Washington

In FY 2003, the facilities energy management team at Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) Keyport developed a variety of innovative and non-traditional initiatives to achieve energy reduction goals. A Resource Efficiency Manager (REM) program, implemented with Puget Sound Energy, identified and achieved significant energy and cost savings opportunities on the base. NUWC Keyport also participated in the Western Power Grid Peak Demand and Energy Reduction Program, which resulted in an energy survey at no cost to NUWC Keyport and identified energy savings improvements in 10 buildings comprising 106,000-square-feet of space. Base-wide facility energy improvements and lighting upgrades were conducted, utilizing the most efficient systems and eliminating all incandescent and older fluorescent lamps. NUWC Keyport also modified the base's main boilers to include automatic operation and remote monitoring, and installed cellular transmitters on all electric meters, transformers, and natural gas meters via a Web-based application, which allowed the base to obtain daily reports on consumption for individual facilities. Additional projects included installing occupancy sensors and setting back heating and cooling temperature during evenings, weekends, and holidays. The energy program also provided extensive training to technical and engineering personnel in energy-efficient technologies, engineering applications, and life-cycle costing. Together, these measures saved NUWC Keyport more than 31 billion Btu and more than $630,000 in energy costs in FY 2003.

Guy Borges
Rhonda Stewart
Brad Wheeler
U.S. Department of the Navy

Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport
Newport, Rhode Island

The Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport executed several energy and cost saving initiatives in FY 2003 that helped achieve a 51 percent reduction in energy use from the FY 1990 baseline. Lighting retrofits and occupancy controls were installed in hallways and in 40,000 square feet of office space, reducing lighting use between 30 and 50 percent in these areas. In two buildings, moveable, dimmable, daylight- and occupancy-sensing lights were installed over staff workspaces. These advanced, employee-controlled lighting systems significantly enhanced occupant comfort and averaged savings of more than 50 percent. Staff took personal responsibility for energy use through the assignment of building energy monitors, who watched out for inefficient operations in their designated areas. Newport also implemented a comprehensive steam trap maintenance and monitoring program that, despite a cold winter, reduced steam costs by over $100,000. These efforts, along with installation of heating and cooling setback controls, energy efficient motors, and HVAC maintenance and repairs, saved more than 50 billion Btu and reduced energy costs by over $730,000 in FY 2003.

Don Bader
Rubin Carter
Robert Sheldon
Rhonda Stewart
Jim Sura
U.S. Department of the Navy

Puget Sound Naval Shipyard &
Intermediate Maintenance Facility
Bremerton, Washington

The Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility invested over $2.6 million in numerous projects in FY 2003 that produced significant cost and energy savings for the base. Energy reduction initiatives included a light-emitting diode (LED) upgrade of all fire alarm boxes, lighting retrofits, boiler efficiency improvements, installation of a photovoltaic panel, improved steam trap maintenance and repairs, summertime steam heating shutdowns, and HVAC rescheduling. The Shipyard awarded a contract for a compressed air repair project that is expected to save 13 gigawatt-hours per year over the original system, and initiated several other projects such as LED streetlight retrofits, occupancy sensor controls, a heat recovery water reclamation project, and wind power installation. Along with implementation of basic energy management practices and water management best practices, extensive training in energy-efficient design strategies, and a revitalized awareness program, these efforts resulted in savings of more than 100 billion Btu and almost $800,000 in FY 2003.

Energy Efficiency/Energy Program Management Award to an Individual

Rex Pickett
United States Air Force
Ramstein Air Base, Germany

In FY 2003, Rex Pickett achieved two major energy conservation milestones for the Kaiserslautern Military Community (KMC). Under his leadership and direction, the KMC energy team awarded an $83 million energy savings contract and issued the first energy conservation project delivery order for three facilities. The first facility received extensive air conditioning modifications, involving installing a single air conditioning and ventilation system and eliminating 17 separate window air-conditioning units and split air conditioning systems. Additionally, the energy management control system (EMCS) was upgraded and 196 lamps were replaced with T-5 lamps with occupancy sensors. Similar improvements were made to a warehouse facility where, in addition to a new EMCS and lighting retrofits to more than 1,200 lamps, 93 single-glazed windows were modified and insulated to improve efficiency of the building envelope. A third site received a new 790 kilowatt condensing, gas-fired boiler with direct digital controls and hydronic balancing, as well as anti-terrorist/force protection windows, which serve a dual function of improving energy efficiency and protecting the facility against a blast force from the adjacent, busy civilian street. Projects from the first delivery order alone will result in annual savings of $209,000 and 8 billion Btu. Mr. Pickett's innovative thinking and vision have paved the way for nine new projects that are estimated to save an additional $2 million and 80 billion Btu annually.

Exceptional Service Awards to Individuals

Michael J. Santoro
United States Air Force
Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida

As the Air Force technical expert in acquisition of gas and electricity, Michael Santoro is recognized for his tireless efforts and dedication to help Air Force installations identify the most cost effective options for purchasing energy. In particular, he has had a profound effect on the Air Force renewable energy program by developing strategies and motivating energy managers to use renewable energy. In 2000, when electricity costs in California were on the rise, Mr. Santoro worked with Edwards Air Force Base to award a contract that encouraged renewable development over a five year contract period. The contract will deliver 100 percent renewable energy in 2004, saving $46 million over the life of the contract. Since then, he has been instrumental in encouraging a number of additional contracts with renewable options for the Air Force, including a 100 percent wind power purchase at Dyess AFB in 2002 that made them the largest retail wind power purchaser in the United States. Under Mr. Santoro's guidance, Fairchild AFB became the second Air Force base to go 100 percent renewable in 2003. Throughout this time, Mr. Santoro worked to develop important regional acquisition strategies; led a renewable energy study for the Department of Defense (DOD) that included site assessments for 900 DOD installations; and generated influence and encouragement through government and industry meetings and publications. Through his efforts, the Air Force purchased over 40 percent of the government's renewable power in 2003, equal to more than 207 gigawatt-hours. The resulting benefits of these purchases include reductions of over 166,000 tons of CO2, 510 tons of SO2, 500 tons of NOX, and natural gas savings of over 1.4 trillion cubic feet. Contracts are now in development or in place for an additional 135 gigawatt-hours in 2004.

Noel Fenlon
U.S. Department of Justice
Bureau of Prisons
Washington, D.C.

Noel Fenlon is recognized for his sustained leadership, dedication, and continuous efforts as National Energy Programs Manager for the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Mr. Fenlon was instrumental in the development of an interagency agreement with DOE for energy savings performance contracts and other technical services and assistance resources. In addition to implementing ESPCs, Mr. Fenlon has implemented projects under utility incentive and rebate programs and utility energy services contracts. Recently Mr. Fenlon managed the initial stages of an ESPC to incorporate renewable energy opportunities into a Federal Correctional Institution (FCI) in Ray Brook, New York. Mr. Fenlon was also instrumental in developing a renewable energy project involving the retrieval of methane landfill gas for use in the operation of retrofitted boilers at the Federal Correctional Complex in Allenwood, Pennsylvania, and is evaluating expansion of the solar hot water ESPC project at FCI Phoenix, Arizona to include additional equipment. Mr. Fenlon's most recent achievement has been the implementation of an ESPC at FCI Victorville, California awarded in FY 2003, which includes the installation of a 75 kilowatt photovoltaic carport array and a 750 kilowatt wind turbine – the first utility-scale turbine to be installed under California's Self-Generation Incentive Program. Together these projects qualify for up to $2 million in incentives from the State of California. Through Mr. Fenlon's outstanding achievements, the Bureau of Prisons has achieved a 63 percent reduction in energy consumption from its baseline and met both its FY 2005 and FY 2010 energy reduction goals.

Kurt Johnson
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, D.C.

Kurt Johnson has demonstrated exceptional leadership and vision in federal green power procurement policy and program development. Starting in late 1997, while working as a climate change analyst in EPA's Policy Office, Mr. Johnson identified the restructuring of electricity markets (allowing customers to choose their source of electricity) as an important opportunity for federal procurement leadership. Working in coordination with staff from the Federal Energy Management Program and EPA, Mr. Johnson prepared language, ultimately issued in June of 1999 as part of Executive Order 13123, calling upon the federal government to purchase renewable energy. Upon moving to EPA's Air Office in 2000, Mr. Johnson led the development of a new EPA voluntary program, the Green Power Partnership, which provides technical assistance and public recognition to organizations that make a commitment to buying green power. The Green Power Partnership now includes over 350 partners including 20 federal entities, with a combined total commitment to purchase over 1,200 gigawatt-hours of green power annually. Through Mr. Johnson's hard work and dedication to this program, EPA now purchases approximately 44 percent of its electricity from green power sources.

Harry Carpenter
U.S. Department of the Interior
National Park Service
Twentynine Palms, California

Harry Carpenter is recognized for his dedication to sustainable practices at Joshua Tree National Park over the past ten years. His hard work and determination transformed the Park into a benchmark for green policies throughout the National Park Service. Mr. Carpenter creatively implemented numerous sustainable projects through a variety of programs, including private sector rebates, repair and rehabilitation funding, general operational upgrades, and technical assistance grants from the Federal Energy Management Program. During his tenure at Joshua Tree National Park, eight diesel-powered generators have been replaced with nine solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. Two additional grid-tied PV systems now provide 60 percent of the electricity requirements of the Park Headquarters. Construction of a new sustainable operation office complex is underway, complete with a covered parking area roofed with photovoltaic panels. This PV array, along with the 64 kilowatt system already in place, is projected to meet more than 90 percent of the Park's electrical demand. Two brand new facilities utilize sustainable building materials such as recycled glass, tire, lumber, and concrete, while also incorporating energy-saving technologies such as double paned windows, high efficiency appliances and lighting, and motion sensors. To further reduce pollutants, the Park now operates eight compressed natural gas (CNG) re-fueling stations serving eight CNG vehicles. Ten electric vehicles are used in the management of nine campgrounds, all of which power up via PV power generation. Finally, the Joshua Tree National Park volunteer recycling program has recycled over 100 tons of recyclables since it was established in 1996. Taken together, all of the practices put in place by Mr. Carpenter are saving approximately $44,000 annually in energy costs.

ENERGY STAR® Building Award for Superior Performance

ENERGY STAR is a symbol of energy efficiency established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy. Buildings that are among the top 25 percent nationwide in terms of energy performance (earning a bench marking score of 75 or greater) an maintain an indoor environment that conforms to industry standards can qualify to receive the ENERGY STAR label for buildings. One building is recognized this year as an outstanding example of energy efficiency in the federal sector.

NBVC Welcome Center
Naval Base Ventura County
Department of the Navy
Port Hueneme, California

Originally built in the 1960's for use as the Base's Navy Exchange, the recently renovated NBVC Welcome Center at Naval Base Ventura County now serves as a "one-stop" center for a variety of military services. The unique new energy efficient design creates an interior space unlike any seen before at a U.S. Naval facility. The building has an open floor plan with sculptural walls painted a variety of bright colors, open ceilings, skylights, and exposed ventilation system ductwork. The building employs energy saving equipment, including energy efficient lighting and HVAC. Together, these features earned the building an outstanding ENERGY STAR bench marking score of 96.