Request for Information: Opportunities for Additional Support for Commercial Direct Air Capture (DAC) Demonstration Facilities

Office: Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations
FOA number: DE-FOA-0003478
Download the full request for information: OCED eXCHANGE

Background Information

On October 29, 2024the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED) issued a Request for Information (RFI) to obtain public input regarding additional approaches that current and future DOE programs could implement to help direct air capture technology developers address challenges in raising project investment capital and achieving sustained facility operations. This RFI will help inform the Regional Direct Air Capture Hubs program, which supports an ecosystem of projects that aim to remove harmful legacy carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and accelerate efforts to meet the Biden-Harris Adminstration’s ambitious clean energy and climate goals. 

Direct air capture is a process that separates carbon dioxide from the air, helping to reduce legacy carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The separated carbon dioxide can then be safely and permanently stored deep underground or converted into useful carbon-containing products like concrete that prevent its release back into the atmosphere. Widespread deployment of direct air capture and other innovative technologies that capture emissions are key to combatting the climate crisis and reinforcing America’s global competitiveness in the zero-carbon economy of the future. DOE estimates that reaching the Biden-Harris Administration’s plan for a net-zero carbon emissions economy will require that between 400 million and 1.8 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide be removed from the atmosphere and captured from emissions sources annually by 2050. 

This is a request for information only and DOE is not accepting application at this time. DOE may use information collected from this RFI for internal planning and decision-making purposes. 

Areas of Interest 

The goal of this request for information is to understand how federal funding may complement existing DOE funding mechanisms supporting development, construction, and partial operations funding for first-of-a-kind commercial demonstrations, and supplement other government incentives (e.g., 45Q tax credit) in support of direct air capture technology commercialization and spurring the development of the Regional Direct Air Capture Hubs.

Key Dates

RFI Issue Date:10/29/2024
Submission Deadline for Responses:12/17/2024 at 5:00 PM ET

Additional Information


Last Updated: October 29, 2024