Project Selections for Funding Opportunity Announcement 2613: Advanced Energy Materials for Hydrogen Turbines for Stationary Power Generation
Accelerated Discovery of Protection System and Laser Processing of Protective Coatings on CMC for Hydrogen Turbines – Clemson University (Clemson, South Carolina) will partner with Siemens Energy, and Advanced Manufacturing LLC to overcome the challenges of high-temperature and harsh-gas environments in hydrogen-fueled turbines by developing high-performance coatings to improve the performance of silicon carbide fiber-reinforced silicon carbide (SiCf/SiC) ceramic matrix composites (CMCs). The overall goal of this project is to design, process, and validate the laser-manufactured, integrated, and graded bond coat (environmental barrier coat) thermal barrier coat system that can protect and lead to the use of SiCf/SiC matrix CMCs in next-generation hydrogen-fueled turbines.
DOE Funding: $799,998; Non-DOE Funding: $344,045; Total Value: $1,144,043
Enhancing CMC Temperature Performance in High Hydrogen Environments Using Field Assisted Sintering Technology – Pennsylvania State University (University Park, Pennsylvania) intends to improve (>150 degrees Celsius) the temperature performance of CMC materials in high-hydrogen environments using field assisted sintering technology (FAST) to manufacture CMCs. FAST processing, also known as spark plasma sintering, opens the processing design landscape to rapidly manufacture dense, low-porosity, ultra-high temperature CMCs in a fraction of the time traditionally required to fabricate CMCs.
DOE Funding: $675,000; Non-DOE Funding: $168,750; Total Value: $843,750
Water Vapor Resistant SiC/SiC Composite for Hydrogen Based Turbines – Raytheon Technologies Corporation – Pratt & Whitney Division (East Hartford, Connecticut) plans to develop a 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit-class SiC/SiC CMC with enhanced water vapor resistance as an enabling technology for future hydrogen turbine engine hot section components applicable to both industrial and aero gas turbines, using mixed fuels or pure hydrogen. A new polycrystalline SiC fiber with improved thermal stability will be introduced, as well as a modified fiber interface coating to enhance the resistance to oxidation and more specifically to water vapor.
DOE Funding: $799,673; Non-DOE Funding: $202,515; Total Value: $1,002,188
Predictive Modeling Investigating Steam-mediated Degradation of Environmental Barrier Coatings in Hydrogen-fueled Turbines (PREMISE) – The Raytheon Technologies Research Center (East Hartford, Connecticut), in collaboration with University of Virginia, plans to develop predictive models that describe steam-mediated degradation of a CMC system that has been under development, in hydrogen and hydrogen-natural gas mixture fueled turbines. These predictive models will enable the design of CMC components in future hydrogen turbine engine hot-section components, applicable to both industrial and aero gas turbines, using hydrogen and mixed fuels.
DOE Funding: $799,490; Non-DOE Funding: $266,497; Total Value: $1,065,987
Ceramic Matrix Composites for H2 Combustion – The University of Central Florida Board of Trustees (Orlando, Florida) will partner with the University of Miami to explore the design, manufacture, and testing of a combustor liner made of a novel CMC material with a molecularly-assembled multi-layered nano-ceramic coating in a hydrogen combustor reminiscent of modern gas turbine combustors. This project will methodically explore and generate CMC material performance data and experience to advance hydrogen-based energy production with zero carbon emissions.
DOE Funding: $798,964; Non-DOE Funding: $199,742; Total Value: $998,706
Development of Hetero-Multilayered Ceramic Thermal Barrier Coatings for Hydrogen Turbines for Stationary Power Generation – The University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland) plans to develop a thermal barrier coating composed of a novel CMC material with desired thermal, thermomechanical, and moisture resistance properties to meet the goal of a 150 to 200 degrees Celsius increase to the operational capabilities of CMCs at higher moisture contents in the combustor and turbine hot gas path. The multilayer thermal barrier coating will provide a potential of around 200 degrees Celsius or 15% increase in temperature performance compared to the current state-of-the-art temperature capability.
DOE Funding: $800,000; Non-DOE Funding: $200,000; Total Value: $1,000,000