Project Selections for FOA 2610: CarbonSAFE Phase II - Storage Complex Feasibility

Project Selections for FOA 2610: Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE): Phase II — Storage Complex Feasibility

Tulare County Carbon Storage Project – Advanced Resources International Inc. (Arlington, Virginia) plans to establish the technical and economic foundation to establish a geologically, environmentally, and societally feasible commercial-scale, locally acceptable regional geologic storage complex for carbon dioxide (CO2) captured from Calgren Renewable Fuels’ ethanol production and dairy digester plant in Pixley, California, as well as other dairy farms and industrial facilities in the area.

DOE Funding: $ 8,842,408
Non-DOE Funding: $ 2,600,000
Total Value: $ 11,442,408


Carbon Storage Complex Feasibility for Commercial Development in Southeastern Michigan — CarbonSAFE Phase II – Battelle Memorial Institute (Columbus, Ohio) intends to develop an integrated commercial-scale CO₂ storage complex in the southeastern region of the Michigan Basin through the compilation and analysis of existing data, drilling and characterization of a stratigraphic test well, identification and evaluation of potential technical and non-technical risks to develop mitigation plans, development of necessary plans to draft a Underground Injection Control Class VI permit, and evaluation of disadvantaged and environmental justice communities.

DOE Funding: $ 8,135,615
Non-DOE Funding: $ 2,033,904
Total Value: $ 10,169,519


Mitchell CarbonSAFE – Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois (Champaign, Illinois) plans to geologically characterize several prospective reservoirs within Cambro-Ordovician strata under the Lehigh Hanson, Inc., Cement Plant in Mitchell, Indiana for safe storage of more than 50 million metric tons of CO2 over a 30-year timeframe.

DOE Funding: $ 8,898,036
Non-DOE Funding: $ 2,224,760
Total Value: $ 11,122,796


Sutter Co. CO2 Capture and Storage Project, Northern California – Gas Technology Institute (Des Plaines, Illinois) intends to determine the feasibility of using the central Sacramento Basin in northern California as a CO2 storage complex. The project team plans to drill a stratigraphic test well to collect geologic characterization data to better understand the storage reservoirs and sealing formations within the storage complex.

DOE Funding: $ 8,999,944
Non-DOE Funding: $ 2,256,759
Total Value: $ 11,256,703


Coastal Bend Carbon Management Project: CarbonSAFE Phase II – Port of Corpus Christi Authority (Corpus Christi, Texas) plans to evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of deploying CO2 capture and onshore geologic storage under Port-owned property as part of a comprehensive strategy for centralized, scalable carbon management in the Coastal Bend region of the Texas Gulf Coast.

DOE Funding: $ 9,000,000
Non-DOE Funding: $ 3,079,448
Total Value: $ 12,079,448


CarbonSAFE Phase II – Storage Complex Feasibility: Coastal Bend Offshore Carbon Storage – Port of Corpus Christi Authority (Corpus Christi, Texas) intends to conduct a 24-month feasibility study to define, assess, and advance a high-potential, commercial-scale CO2 geological storage site in near offshore waters of the Coastal Bend region of the Texas Gulf Coast by integrating capture, transport, and storage.

DOE Funding: $ 7,357,327
Non-DOE Funding: $ 1,839,332
Total Value: $ 9,196,659


Optimizing Alabama’s CO2 Storage in Shelby County (Project OASIS) – Southern States Energy Board (Peachtree Corners, Georgia) plans to assess local industrial CO2 sources and storage reservoirs in Shelby County, Alabama to establish the feasibility of a commercial-scale geological storage complex. Targets for storage reservoirs include the deep Ketona Dolomite, secondary porous carbonate formations, and other low-permeability sedimentary rocks.

DOE Funding: $ 7,944,918
Non-DOE Funding: $ 1,986,229
Total Value: $ 9,931,147


Louisiana Offshore CO2 Hub Repurposing Infrastructure to Decrease Greenhouse Emissions (Project Lochridge) – Southern States Energy Board (Peachtree Corners, Georgia) intends to establish an offshore CO₂ storage complex in the Gulf of Mexico’s South Timbalier Lease Area off the coast of Louisiana. Initial estimates and interpretations suggest that this project likely will be able to transition into a commercial Outer Continental Shelf CO2 storage complex capable of safely and permanently storing commercial volumes of CO2 sourced from industrial emitters in and around Geismar, Louisiana.

DOE Funding: $ 8,441,877
Non-DOE Funding: $ 2,133,361
Total Value: $ 10,575,238


Roughrider Carbon Storage Hub – University of North Dakota (Grand Forks, North Dakota) plans to determine the feasibility of a carbon storage hub scenario in northwestern North Dakota. The carbon storage hub will be sourced with CO2 captured from several gas-processing plants owned and operated by project partner ONEOK, Inc., and a planned gas-to-liquids plant by Cerilon for injection into geologic storage complexes in a stacked storage configuration.

DOE Funding: $ 9,000,000
Non-DOE Funding: $7,550,000
Total Value: $ 16,550,000


Uinta Basin CarbonSAFE II: Storage Complex Feasibility – University of Utah (Salt Lake City, Utah) intends to establish the feasibility of commercial CO2 storage in Utah’s Uinta Basin with high-resolution societal analysis, geological characterization data, technical analysis, economic evaluation, and environmental analysis. This project intends to accelerate Deseret Power’s assessment of commercial-scale CO2 capture, combine additional CO2 sources in the area for storage hub development, and accelerate economic transition and growth in the communities that have historically been impacted by fossil fuel production.

DOE Funding: $ 8,007,459
Non-DOE Funding: $3,745,271
Total Value: $ 11,752,730


HERO Basalt CarbonSAFE – University of Wyoming (Laramie, Wyoming) plans to accelerate the scale-up and deployment of commercial CO2 storage in basaltic rocks at a storage complex near Hermiston, Oregon. Basalt formations represent an attractive alternative for CO₂ storage due to their potential for rapid mineralization, widespread geographic distribution, and potentially large storage capacity. The abundance of basalts in the Pacific Northwest makes them a critical reservoir type for deploying CO2 storage in the region.

DOE Funding: $ 8,407,697
Non-DOE Funding: $2,117,233
Total Value: $ 10,524,930