Descriptions of the nine selected projects follow:
1. FEED Study for Retrofitting a 2x2x1 Natural Gas-Fired Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Power Plant for Carbon Capture Storage/Utilization – Bechtel National (Reston, VA) will conduct a comprehensive FEED study for a retrofit carbon capture and compression plant add-on to Panda Energy Fund’s existing natural gas-fired gas turbine combined cycle power plant in Texas. The post-combustion capture plant is an amine-based conventional absorber-stripper scrubbing system with a non-proprietary solvent. The open-access and open-technology approach is to facilitate global understanding of a carbon capture plant that is ready to install at existing power plants.
2. Full-Scale FEED Study for Retrofitting the Prairie State Generating Station with an 816 MWe Capture Plant Using Mitsubishi Heavy Industries of America Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Technology – The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois (Champaign, IL) will complete a FEED study for the installation of a carbon capture system at the Prairie State Generating Company’s (PSGC) Energy Campus in Marissa, Illinois. The project will be based upon the Advanced KM CDR Process™ carbon dioxide (CO2) capture technology from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. The project team that successfully completed the Petra Nova capture plant in Thompsons, Texas has been reassembled to benefit from lessons learned. The Advanced KM CDR Process is an amine-based capture system that uses the KS-21 solvent. If successful, the project would provide valuable insight into lowering the cost of carbon capture systems.
3. Front End Engineering Design Study for Retrofit Post-Combustion Carbon Capture on a Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant – Electric Power Research Institute (Palo Alto, CA) will conduct a FEED study to determine the technological and economic feasibility of retrofitting California Resources Corporation's 550-MWe Elk Hills Power Plant (EHPP), located in Kern County, California, with a post-combustion carbon capture technology. The team will use Fluor’s amine-based Econamine FG Plus process to capture 75 percent of the CO2 produced by the EHPP. Overall, about 4,000 tonnes of CO2 per day could be captured and delivered for use in enhanced oil recovery. If the technologies used in this project are successfully implemented, many existing U.S.-based plants might be able to be retrofitted.
4. Large-Scale Commercial Carbon Capture Retrofit of the San Juan Generating Station – Enchant Energy (New York, NY) will collaborate with the City of Farmington, New Mexico, to perform a site-specific FEED study for retrofitting the San Juan Generating Station in Waterflow, New Mexico, with carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technology. The FEED study will allow Enchant Energy to determine the technical and economic viability of extending the life of an existing plant using a CCUS system. If successful, a CCUS retrofit of the existing San Juan Generating Station could reduce significant CO2 emissions per year.
5. Commercial Carbon Capture Design & Costing: Part Two – Ion Engineering (Boulder, CO) will complete a FEED study for the installation of their advanced carbon capture system retrofitted to Nebraska Public Power District’s Gerald Gentleman Station near Sutherland, Nebraska. Ion Engineering will expand upon its solvent-based CO2 capture technology by utilizing their ICE-21 solvent that offers key technological advantages including greater reduction in energy, lower emissions, faster solvent kinetics, and less solvent degradation to minimize the need for solvent replacement. The project has the potential to provide data and insight into the deployment of their CO2 capture technology and realistic cost expectations.
6. Commercial-Scale Front-End Engineering Study for MTR’s Membrane CO2 Capture Process – Membrane Technology and Research Inc. (Newark, CA) will complete a FEED study of a membrane-based CO2 capture system at Basin Electric’s Dry Fork Station near Gillette, Wyoming. The study will build on previous DOE-funded research that determined the membrane process can capture CO2 in the $40 per tonne range while offering compact size, environmental friendliness, low water usage and no disruption to the existing steam cycle. If successful, this study would provide a pathway for large commercial deployment of this advanced membrane-based capture technology.
7. Front-End Engineering & Design: Project Tundra Carbon Capture System – Minnkota Power Cooperative Inc. (Grand Forks, ND) will lead a FEED study to install a post-combustion capture system at the Minnkota-operated (Square Butte Electric Cooperative-owned) Milton R. Young Station (MRYS) near Center, North Dakota. The project will use Fluor’s Econamine FG Plus technology, an amine-based process specialized for the removal of CO2 from low-pressure, oxygen-containing gas. This system offers improved efficiency, improved environmental and cost profile, and a low levelized cost of capture. The project will provide valuable technical insights into the economic business case for CCUS installed on an existing coal fired power plant.
8. Front End Engineering Design of Linde-BASF Advanced Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Technology at a Southern Company Natural Gas-Fired Power Plant – Southern Company Services (Birmingham, AL) will complete a FEED study for the installation of a Linde-BASF aqueous amine solvent-based post-combustion CO2 capture technology at an existing domestic natural gas-fired combined cycle power plant within Southern Company’s portfolio of assets. The two sites considered are Alabama Power Company’s Plant Barry in Bucks, Alabama and Mississippi Power Company’s Plant Daniel located in Moss Point, Mississippi. The Linde-BASF technology is based on a typical lean-rich solvent absorption/regeneration cycle for CO2 capture and leverages several innovative features for both solvent and process optimization. This project will provide a reference case for understanding CO2 capture technologies and the future development of cost-effective and environmentally sound systems.
9. Piperazine/Advanced Stripper Front-End Engineering Design (PZAS FEED) – The University of Texas at Austin (Austin, TX) will conduct a FEED study for the Piperazine Advanced Stripper (PZAS) process for CO2 capture at the Mustang Station of Golden Spread Electric Cooperative (GSEC) in Denver City, Texas. The PZAS is an advanced CO2 scrubbing process with solvent regeneration for post-combustion carbon capture from natural gas flue gas. The project will provide insight on the benefits and economics of integrating CO2 captured from a power station.
Updated on Monday, September 23, 2019