FOA 1999 Project Selections

Five applications were selected for negotiations from the FOA. Each is described below:

(1) Illinois Storage CorridorThe Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois (Champaign, IL) will characterize and obtain UIC Class VI permits to construct two sites: a storage site near the One Earth Energy ethanol facility and a storage site at the Prairie State Generating Company. The sites will store a combined 6.5 million metric tons of CO2 captured annually. A CO2 capture assessment will be performed for the One Earth Energy facility. A front-end engineering and design (FEED) study of CO2 capture utilizing Mitsubishi Heavy Industry’s KM Advanced Carbon Dioxide Recovery Process at the Prairie State Generating Company is currently underway through an existing DOE cooperative agreement awarded under FOA DE-FE-0002058. The project seeks to accelerate commercial deployment of CCUS within the Illinois Storage Corridor, a region with proven geologic storage performance and numerous industrial carbon sources.

DOE: $ 18,106,527; Non-DOE: $7,299,291; Total: $25,405,818

(2) San Juan Basin CarbonSAFE Phase III: Ensuring Safe Subsurface Storage of CO2 in Saline ReservoirsNew Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (Socorro, NM) will perform comprehensive commercial-scale site characterization of a storage complex located in northwest New Mexico to accelerate the deployment of integrated carbon capture and storage technology at the San Juan Generating Station, a nearby 847 megawatt coal-fired electricity generation plant. The data obtained from this characterization will be used to prepare, submit, and attain a Class VI permit for construction. Approximately 6 to 7 million metric tons of CO2 will be captured per year, of which 2 million metric tons per year will be stored at a site approximately 20 miles from the station. The remaining CO2 will be sent to the Cortez pipeline for enhanced oil recovery usage in the Permian Basin. CO2 capture utilizing Mitsubishi Heavy Industry’s KM CDR Process will be studied under funding from a previous project awarded from FOA DE-FOA-0002058.

DOE: $17,499,905; Non-DOE: $4,428,108; Total: $21,928,014

(3) Establishing an Early CO2 Storage Complex in Kemper County, Mississippi: Project ECO2S Southern States Energy Board (Peachtree Corner, GA) will lead a project team composed of 16 universities, labs, and private companies in establishing a CO2 Storage Complex in Kemper County, Mississippi. Previous characterization efforts identified a geologic setting adjacent to the Kemper County Energy Facility as a world class geologic area capable of securely storing over 900 million metric tons of CO2. The project team will build upon this work to fully characterize the complex and obtain a UIC Class VI permit for construction. The sources for the CO2 include Plant Ratcliffe along with transported CO2 from Plant Daniel and Plant Miller, totaling 22.5 million metric tons per year. CO2 capture assessments will be performed for Plant Ratcliffe and Plant Miller. DOE awarded a FEED study project for Plant Daniel from FOA DE-FOA-000258.

DOE: $17,479,430; Non-DOE: $6,113,380; Total: $23,592,810

(4) North Dakota CarbonSAFE Phase III: Site Characterization and Permitting University of North Dakota Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC) (Grand Forks, ND) will fully characterize and seek UIC Class VI permits to construct injection wells at a commercial-scale storage complex. As part of Minnkota Power’s Project Tundra, the two injection sites near Minnkota’s Milton R. Young Station will store over 3 million metric tons of CO2 per year from the plant’s 455-megawatt Unit 2. DOE awarded a FEED study project for the Milton R. Young Station from FOA DE-FOA-000258. Through the acquisition and analysis of additional geologic information, the EERC will build upon previous feasibility studies that confirmed the viability of the storage complex in central North Dakota.

DOE: $16,987,438; Non-DOE: $7,958,800; Total: $24,946,238

(5) Wyoming CarbonSAFE: Accelerating CCUS Commercialization and Deployment at Dry Fork Power Station and the Wyoming Integrated Test Center University of Wyoming (Laramie, WY) will finalize the characterization and obtain a Class VI permit to construct a storage complex in Campbell County, Wyoming. The project utilizes Basin Electric’s Dry Fork Station, one of the newest commercial-scale coal-fired power plants in the United States, to source 2.2 million metric tons of CO2 per year for storage at three nearby sites within the same storage complex. Efforts will build upon previous studies that confirmed the project’s feasibility with respect to geologic, environmental, regulatory, CO2 source, and economic conditions. Results of a FEED study of CO2 capture utilizing Membrane Technology and Research Inc.’s two-stage membrane process from an award under DE-FOA-0002058 will be integrated into this project.

DOE: $15,247,075; Non-DOE: $3,856,389; Total: $19,103,464

The National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) will manage the selected projects.

The Office of Fossil Energy funds research and development projects to reduce the risk and cost of advanced fossil energy technologies and further the sustainable use of the Nation’s fossil resources. To learn more about the programs within the Office of Fossil Energy, visit the Office of Fossil Energy website or sign up for FE news announcements. More information about the National Energy Technology Laboratory is available on the NETL website.