
Managing an Abundant Resource: An Interview with Paula Gant

Paula Gant, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Oil and Gas in the Energy Department's Office of Fossil Energy, discusses challenges posed by the new abundance of fossil fuels made possible by the hydraulic fracturing boom.

Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management

July 28, 2015
minute read time
Photo of Paula Gant, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary

Paula Gant, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Oil and Gas in the Energy Department's Office of Fossil Energy, discusses challenges posed by the new abundance of fossil fuels made possible by the hydraulic fracturing boom.

The interview was held with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, as part of their "The Future of Hydraulic Fracking" video series, available on their website.

  • Fossil
  • Carbon Management
  • Energy Security
  • Clean Energy
  • Energy Policy