Funding Opportunity Announcement 2515, Carbon Capture R&D for Natural Gas and Industrial Point Sources, and Front-End Engineering Design Studies for Carbon Capture Systems at Industrial Facilities and Natural Gas Plants

Twelve projects were selected by DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) under Funding Opportunity Announcement 2515. A detailed list of the selected projects and their associated areas of interest follow.

Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management

October 6, 2021
minute read time

Descriptions of selected projects and their associated areas of interest (AOIs) follow:


AOI 1A: Carbon Capture R&D: Bench-Scale Testing of Highly Efficient Components and Processes for NGCC Plants

  • Plastic Additive, Sorbent-coated, Thermally-Integrated Contactor for CO2 capture (PLASTIC4CO2) — A project team led by General Electric Company, GE Research (Niskayuna, NY) will develop a design for a “Plastic Additive, Sorbent-coated, Thermally-Integrated Contactor for carbon dioxide (CO2) capture (PLASTIC4CO2)” for natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) flue gas. The team’s key objective will be to demonstrate an integrated system of plastic additive contactor and current metal/covalent organic frameworks sorbents to capture 95 percent of CO2 from flue gas at a technology readiness level of 3, which demonstrates the potential for a 15 percent or greater reduction in levelized cost of electricity.
    DOE Funding: $1,499,992; Non-DOE Funding: $999,995; Total Value: $2,499,987
  • Highly Efficient Regeneration Module for Carbon Capture Systems in NGCC ApplicationsSRI International (Menlo Park, CA), aims to design, fabricate and test a highly efficient regeneration module capable of providing an ultra-lean absorption solution that is required for capturing CO2 from dilute sources at 95 percent or better efficiency. By integrating this advanced regenerator module with SRI’s Mixed Salt Process absorption modules, SRI expects to demonstrate significant progress toward a 20 percent reduction in cost of capture versus a reference NGCC plant with carbon capture.
    DOE Funding: $1,499,759; Non-DOE Funding: $375,000; Total Value: $1,874,759


AOI 1B: Carbon Capture R&D: Bench-Scale Testing of Highly Efficient Carbon Capture Integrated Processes for NGCC Plants

  • Bench-Scale Test of a PEI-Monolith CO2 Capture Process for NGCC Point Sources — The CORMETECH, Inc. (Charlotte, NC) project team plans to further develop, optimize and bench-scale test a novel, lower cost integrated process technology for point source capture (PSC) of CO2 from NGCC plant flue gas. The novel PSC process flows NGCC flue gas over a monolithic amine contactor to capture the CO2, followed by steam-mediated thermal desorption and CO2 collection. This process occurs in a multi-bed cyclic process unit, but without the need for vacuum, which enhances scalability to large NGCC plants.
    DOE Funding: $2,500,000; Non-DOE Funding: $625,000; Total Value: $3,125,000
  • A New Thermal Swing Adsorption Process for Post-Combustion Carbon Capture from Natural Gas Plants TDA Research, Inc. (Wheat Ridge, CO) and its project partners aim to fabricate and test a transformational post combustion capture process. TDA will work closely with one of its partners, Membrane Technology Research (MTR), to fabricate the engineered sorbent structures and make modules. MTR will fabricate the sorbent sheets/laminates in 1 ft x 1 ft size, which will then be integrated with a microwave heater. The resulting module will be evaluated at TDA using simulated NGCC flue gas. These tests seek to demonstrate rapid cycling of the module between adsorption and desorption conditions targeting full cycle times less than 30 minutes while meeting DOE targets (95 percent capture with 95 percent CO2 purity).
    DOE Funding: $2,500,000; Non-DOE Funding: $625,000; Total Value: $3,125,000
  • Dual-loop Solution-based CCS for Net Negative CO2 Emissions with Lower Cost — A project team led by the University of Kentucky Research Foundation (Lexington, KY) plans to address technical challenges from the low CO2 (~4 vol%) and high oxygen (~12 vol%) concentrations in NGCC flue gas, along with a very high CO2 capture efficiency (95+ percent) and 20 percent cost reduction, through a dual-loop solution process to lower the capital cost by 50 percent and offset the operating cost with negative CO2 emissions and hydrogen production.
    DOE Funding: $2,452,268; Non-DOE Funding: $619,595; Total Value: $3,071,863


AOI 2: Engineering-Scale Testing of Transformational Post-Combustion Carbon Capture Technologies for Industrial Carbon Capture.

  • Cryogenic Carbon Capture™ from Cement Production — The Sustainable Energy Solutions, Inc. (Orem, UT) project team aims to design, build, commission and operate an engineering-scale Cryogenic Carbon Capture™ (CCC) process at the Eagle Materials/Central Plains Cement Sugar Creek Cement Plant in Sugar Creek, Missouri. The project will scale the CCC system to a capacity of nominally 30 tonnes CO2 per day for the first time and demonstrate that the system captures more than 95 percent of the CO2 from the flue gas slip stream and produces a CO2 stream that is more than 95 percent pure.
    DOE Funding: $4,999,875; Non-DOE Funding: $10,547,611; Total Value: $15,547,486
  • Application of Transformational UKy 3 Ton/day CO2 Capture System at a Steel Process Plant University of Kentucky Research Foundation (Lexington, KY) plans to test their innovative CO2 capture system with four new, synergistic, transformative techniques proven at the bench scale using the existing system (3 tonne CO2/day for 1.5 vol% CO2 gas stream) at Nucor Steel Gallatin Plant, treating evolved gas from an electric arc furnace. Discretized packing with an advanced low liquid-to-gas mass flow ratio structured packing will demonstrate robust wettability, especially when matched with the solvent physical properties and a controlled absorber temperature profile to enhance mass transfer.
    DOE Funding: $4,999,965; Non-DOE Funding: $1,250,523; Total Value: $6,250,488


AOI 3A: Front-End Engineering Design Studies for Carbon Capture Systems at Existing (Retrofit) Domestic Industrial Facilities

  • Industrial Carbon Capture from a Cement Facility Using the Cryocap™ FG Process — A project team led by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) (Champaign, IL) aims to advance the technology of carbon capture with a front-end engineering design (FEED) study to retrofit the Holcim’s Ste. Genevieve cement manufacturing facility in Bloomsdale, Missouri, which is the largest single line kiln in the world. The detailed engineering and design work will support development of a detailed cost estimate for retrofitting the existing host site with a carbon capture plant. The design will employ Air Liquide's CryocapTM FG system, which combines pressure swing adsorption to preconcentrate the CO2 in the feedstream with cryogenic refrigeration technologies to purify and compress the CO2 product, thereby achieving high CO2 capture rates with high CO2 purity. The capture technology has the ability to achieve 95 percent capture from flue gas.
    DOE Funding: $3,999,585; Non-DOE Funding: $1,000,000; Total Value: $4,999,585
  • Front-End Engineering Design Studies for Carbon Capture Systems at Industrial Facilities — The Wood Environmental & Infrastructure Solutions (Blue Bell, PA) project team plans to complete a FEED study to separate and capture more than 950,000 tonnes CO2 per year from the commercially operated Shell Chemicals Complex located in Deer Park, Texas. The project will reduce overall facility CO2 emissions by 95 percent, while providing energy transition jobs in a commercial area with a high concentration of refinery and chemical facilities producing CO2 emissions. The project will use Shell’s CANSOLV, an amine-based post-combustion technology, to recover CO2 from several olefin plants, aromatic plants and an on-site cogeneration plant. The flue gases are produced by combustion of light condensate fuels and, in the case of the cogeneration, natural gas.
    DOE Funding: $4,000,000; Non-DOE Funding: $1,000,000; Total Value: $5,000,000


AOI 3B: Front-End Engineering Design Studies for Carbon Capture Systems at Existing (Retrofit) Domestic NGCC Power Plants

  • Deer Park Energy Center NGCC Carbon Capture System FEED Study — The Calpine Texas CCUS Holdings, LLC (Houston, TX) project team will conduct a FEED study on a modular, commercial-scale, 5 million tonnes net CO2 per year, second-generation CCS, capturing 95 percent of total CO2 emissions from a NGCC power plant at Calpine’s Deer Park carbon capture facility. The project will use Shell’s patented CANSOLV CO2 capture technology, which utilizes a regenerable amine with low parasitic energy consumption, fast kinetics and extremely low volatility, and has been tested at commercial scale for CO2 capture from coal flue gas streams for eight years.
    DOE Funding: $4,791,966; Non-DOE Funding: $1,197,991; Total Value: $5,989,957
  • Front-End Engineering Design for a CO2 Capture System at Calpine’s Delta Energy Center ION Clean Energy (Boulder, CO) plans to perform a FEED Study for a CCS system to be retrofitted onto Calpine’s Delta Energy Center (DEC), an existing 857-MW NGCC power station located in Pittsburg, California, in close proximity to a number of CO2 point sources. This design effort will utilize ION’s ICE-21 solvent and will take full advantage of the solvent benefits, which include a smaller physical plant, reduced energy requirements, less solvent degradation, lower emissions and lower capital costs relative to systems built with commercial benchmark solvents. The team will work to decarbonize DEC by capturing 95 percent of the CO2 emissions for geologic storage in the nearby Sacramento Basin.
    DOE Funding: $5,811,210; Non-DOE Funding: $1,452,802; Total Value: $7,264,012
  • Retrofittable Advanced Combined Cycle Integration for Flexible Decarbonized GenerationGE Gas Power (NYSE:GE) plans to complete a FEED study for integration of a 95 percent CCS commercial solution into an existing F-Class NGCC site. GE anticipates that their commercial solution will provide advanced operability for a NGCC/CCS site, with a high-level of system integration that achieves lower cost and high efficiency and is scalable to other commercial sites. GE will investigate advanced technology and control concepts to integrate the combined cycle power plant with a Gen 2 carbon capture technology.
    DOE Funding: $5,771,670; Non-DOE Funding: $1,442,917; Total Value: $7,214,587