Flint Hills Resources, LP - FE Dkt. No. 15-168-LNG

Flint Hills Resources, LP - FE Dkt. No. 15-168-LNG

Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management

November 13, 2015
minute read time

The Office of Fossil Energy (FE) of the Department of Energy (DOE) gives notice of receipt of an application, filed on November 5, 2015, by Flint Hills Resources, LP (Flint Hills), requesting long-term, multi-contract authorization to export domestically produced liquefied natural gas (LNG) in a volume equivalent to approximately 3.62 billion cubic feet of natural gas per year (Bcf/y) (0.01 Bcf/day).  Flint Hills seeks to export the LNG from the Stabilis LNG Eagle Ford, LLC Facility.  Flint Hills requests authorization to export this LNG to any country with which the United States does not have a free trade agreement (FTA) requiring national treatment for trade in natural gas and with which trade is not prohibited by U.S. law or policy (non-FTA countries).  Flint Hills requests the authorization for a twenty year term to commence on the date of the first commercial export or a date three months from the issuance of a final order granting the requested authorization.  

Service List

1. 11/05/15 Flint Hills Resources, LP Application for Long-term, Multi-contract Authorization to Export LNG to FTA & NFTA Nations
2. 12/29/15 U.S. Department of Energy  Macroeconomic Impacts of LNG Exports Studies
3 02/16/16 U.S. Department of Energy 81 FR 7776 Published F.R. Notice 
4 04/13/16 U.S. Department of Energy                                                                             

Order 3809 Granting Long-term, Multi-contract Authorization to Export Liquefied Natural Gas in ISO Containers or in Bulk Loaded at the Stabilis LNG Eagle Ford, LLC Facility in George West, Texas, and Exported by Vessel to Free Trade Agreement Nations

5 04/12/16 Baker Botts L.L.P. Modification to Services List
6 04/18/16

American Petroleum Institute

Motion to Intervene and Comments in Support
7 05/18/16 U.S. Department of Energy Categorical Exclusion Determination 
8 05/20/16 U.S. Department of Energy Order and Opinion 3829 Granting Long-term, Multi-contract Authorization to Export Liquefied Natural Gas in ISO Containers and in Bulk Loaded at the Stabilis LNG Eagle Ford Facility in George West, Texas, and Exported by Vessel to Non-Free Trade Agreement Nations
9. 06/06/16 U.S. Department of Energy Errata to Order 3829 Granting Long-term, Multi-contract Authorization to Export Liquefied Natural Gas in ISO Containers and in Bulk Loaded at the Stabilis LNG Eagle Ford Facility in George West, Texas, and Exported by Vessel to Non-Free Trade Agreement Nations
10. 12/13/18 Flint Hills Resources, LP Request to Vacate Orders 3809 (FTA) & 3829(nFTA) Granting Long-term, Multi-contract Authorization to Export Liquefied Natural Gas in ISO Containers and in Bulk Loaded at the Stabilis LNG Eagle Ford Facility in George West, Texas, and Exported by Vessel to Free Trade and Non-Free Trade Agreement Nations
11. 12/13/18 U.S. Department of Energy Policy Statement on LNG Destination Reporting
12. 02/05/19 U.S. Department of Energy Order 3809-A and Order 3829-A; Granting Request to Vacate Long-Term, Multi-Contract Authorizations to Export LNG in ISO Containers or in Bulk Loaded at the Stabilis LNG Eagle Ford Facility in George West, Texas, and Exported by Vessel to FTANs and to NFTANs
13. 6/2/2021 American Petroleum Institute (API) Notice of Withdrawal and Substitution of Counsel