Congratulations to DOE's National Energy Technology Laboratory, honored with three R&D 100 Awards.
Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management
November 4, 2019Congratulations to the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), honored with three R&D 100 Awards. These awards, issued by R&D World Magazine, recognize the most technologically significant processes and products introduced to the marketplace in the past year.
Of the 17 DOE National Laboratories, NETL is a unique national resource in that it is the only government-owned and government–operated laboratory. NETL’s mission is to discover, integrate, and mature technology solutions to enhance the Nation’s energy foundation and protect the environment for future generations through forward-looking research and technology development.
The Office of Fossil Energy funds NETL’s research and development projects to reduce the risk and cost of advanced fossil energy technologies and to further the sustainable use of the Nation’s fossil resources.
“I am excited that NETL has once again been acknowledged as a leader in national energy R&D,” said Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy Steven Winberg. “We want our fossil energy resources to be utilized to the greatest extent possible, and the R&D work done by the team at NETL gets us closer to achieving that goal.”
NETL’s R&D 100 Awards for 2019 are listed below, and the description of each technology is available here.
- Cobalt-Based Nanocrystalline Alloys for Gapless Inductor and Sensor Applications (mechanical and materials category);
- Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Subsurface Monitoring Tool (analytical and test category);
- Offshore Risk Modeling Suite (software and services category).
Over the past 20 years, NETL’s scientists have earned 54 R&D 100 Awards, as well as 47 regional and national awards from the Federal Laboratory Consortium. These awards, along with the many other individual awards won by NETL scientists and research partners, serve to recognize NETL’s contribution to the Nation’s energy future.
In addition, SimCCS2.0, an open-source software package for designing carbon dioxide capture, transport, and storage infrastructure—developed by a team led by researchers at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and supported by the Office of Fossil Energy—picked up a R&D 100 award, as well as a Silver Medal, in the Special Recognition category of Corporate Social Responsibility.
The R&D 100 Awards Banquet will take place on Thursday, December 5th at the San Mateo Marriott near San Francisco, California. To learn more about the award recipients and the significant strides made in R&D, visit the R&D 100 Conference website. A full list of the 2019 winners is available here.
Congratulations to the winners for a job well done! Thank you, NETL!