Historical Videos

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The historical videos shown below illustrate the challenges and accomplishments of the employees at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory.

  • Sodium Reactor Experiment (SRE)
    • SRE Construction (July 1958)  Construction of the Sodium Reactor Experiment at Santa Susana
    • Accident Recovery (November 1961)  Description of the 1959 SRE core damage accident and the procedures used to remove damaged fuel and refurbish the SRE for continued operation
    • Decommissioning (March 1982)  Description of the decommissioning and decontamination of the SRE prior to its release for unrestricted use
  • Science Lab (1958)  One of series of "Science Lab" TV programs, shown on Channel 9 KCOP Los Angeles, hosted by Al Renner, a science teacher at Elliot Jr. High School in Pasadena California.  His guests on this episode were Dr. Robert Loftness from Atomics International and Ms. Doreen Melindy, a high school student. The trio tour the Atomics International facilities in Canoga Park and the Santa Susana Field Laboratory including the L-47 reactor, the Sodium Reactor Experiment and the Hot Lab.

  • Systems for Nuclear Auxiliary Power (SNAP)
    • SNAP 8 Reactor Program (June 1963)  Development of the SNAP 8 reactor
    • SNAP Aerospace Safety (June 1963)  Space nuclear safety tests of SNAP program
    • SNAPSHOT (November 1964)  Development and fabrication of the first U.S. nuclear reactor launched into space
    • SNAP 10A Launch (1965)  Launch of first and only U.S. nuclear reactor in space

  • Former Sodium Disposal Facility (FSDF) Remediation (1992)  Video of the first phase of the excavation of contaminated soil at the Former Sodium Disposal Facility (also known as the Area IV Sodium Burn Pit)