
The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

Enacted as federal law in 1976, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) is the principal law that governs disposal of hazardous waste in the United States. In 1992, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency authorized the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) to implement and oversee RCRA in California. Structures at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory under RCRA permits therefore must undergo this additional specialized process prior to removal. This process is focused on:

  • Protecting human health and the natural environment from waste
  • Conservation of energy and natural resources
  • Reducing the amount of waste generated
  • Disposing of waste in an environmentally sound manner

In California, RCRA stipulations are managed by DTSC. There are three main phases:

  • Permitting: During this phase, an entity documents how it intends to manage toxic substances
  • Operations: While operating, the entity demonstrates to DTSC how it is complying with the RCRA permit requirements
  • Closure: During the closure phase, the entity removes all toxic materials and demonstrates there is no remaining contamination above standards

DOE prepared two RCRA permits for former operations at the ETEC site: one for the Radioactive Materials Handling Facility (RMHF), which was used for the storage and processing for subsequent shipment of chemical wastes and mixed wastes (containing chemicals and radionuclides); and another for the Hazardous Waste Management Facility (HWMF), which was used for the removal of sodium and potassium from metallic objects. 

Authorization for the RMHF to operate was received in 1997 under an interim status permit from DTSC and although the permit is still active, it has not been operated since 2007. The HWMF was permitted in 1983 and operations ended in 1997. 

The RCRA process is done in tandem with DOE’s National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), as well as the state’s Environmental Impact Report (EIR). All reports must be completed in order to conduct remediation of the site. 

View the 2018 public comment period notice for Draft Closure Plans for RCRA Buildings.

Standard Operating Procedures and Building Survey Plan

The Building Survey Plan describes radiological characterization necessary to determine residual building contamination for planning of demolition and protection of workers and the public. 

The Standard Operating Procedure describes the master plan process for building demolition, provides references for regulations and standard procedures for Area IV decontamination and decommissioning (D&D), and also provides general approaches for waste disposition, demolition and documentation.

EPA 2000-2003 Building Surveys

Between January 2000 and September 2001, the EPA and its contractor, Tetra-Tech, reviewed Boeing's and DOE's final status and verification surveys of 11 prior radiological facilities that had undergone decontamination and decommissioning (D&D) survey and release. EPA and Tetra-Tech also conducted radiological surveys of eight of these facilities.

In January 2003, the EPA issued the final reports of its three-year assessment of Boeing's remediation and survey process for releasing radiological buildings for unrestricted use.

The EPA concluded the following: previous DOE/Boeing surveys sampled in appropriate and representative locations; measurements made in previous surveys were accurate; EPA concurred with conclusions made by DOE and Boeing Rocketdyne about the locations and levels of residual radioactivity; and residual radioactivity does not exceed DOE and Nuclear Regulatory (NRC) established limits for future use. 

Further, the EPA confirmed that prior surveys had been conducted in a correct, appropriate and compliant manner. Read the associated documents below. 

For more information about facilities at SSFL and other resources, visit the ETEC Library.