The Department of Energy (DOE) released its Final Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/EIS-402) Remediation of Area IV and the Northern Buffer Zone of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory in December 2018. The release of this statement culminates scientific study and analysis of the site, and a public involvement process guided by the National Environmental Policy Act.
The FEIS identifies the Department’s Preferred Alternatives for cleanup of soils and groundwater and building removal at the site:
- For soils remediation, the Conservation of Natural Resources Alternative, Open Space Scenario. This alternative is consistent with the risk assessment approach typically used at other DOE sites, other California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)-regulated sites and EPA Superfund sites, and accounts for the specific future land use of the site.
- For building demolition, the Building Removal Alternative.
- For groundwater remediation, a combination of the Monitored Natural Attenuation Alternative and the Treatment Alternative.
DOE is committed to the cleanup of Area IV and the Northern Buffer Zone in a manner that is protective of the public and the environment.
Visit SSFL Area IV EIS to learn more about the FEIS and read other important documents, including the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/EIS-0402) Remediation of Area IV and the Northern Buffer Zone of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory released in January 2017.
The Draft EIS analyzed the potential environmental impacts of alternatives for conducting cleanup activities in Area IV and the adjoining Northern Buffer Zone at SSFL. Alternatives analyzed in the Draft EIS involve the remediation of soil and groundwater, the disposition of remaining DOE facilities and support buildings, and disposal of all resulting waste at existing licensed or permitted facilities to protect public health and safety and the environment.
The information below presents a reverse chronology of activities in support of this project. For information about the cultural and biological studies click here.
Public Scoping Meetings
DOE held two scoping meetings February 27th and March 1st to receive comments on the EIS for the Remediation of Area IV and the Northern Buffer Zone of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory. Below you will find posters displayed during open house, the presentation given by DOE and handouts provided at the meetings. The comment period has been extended and now ends on April 2, 2014.
Open House PostersStep By Step to EIS Completion(1.33 MB)EIS Purpose and Need(2.23 MB)Proposed Action(1.2 MB)Community Concepts(683.31 KB)Radiological Soil Areas Map(1.81 MB)Potential Areas for Analyses(1.64 MB)2007 Consent Order(941.45 KB)2010 Administrative Order on Consent(823.11 KB)SSFL Area IV Timeline(1.26 MB)Stay Informed, Get Involved(1.3 MB)DOE Presentation and Handouts
DOE Presentation(4.96 MB)Meeting Agenda(143.32 KB)Making Your Voice Heard(337.59 KB)DOE Issues Amended Notice of Intent
DOE has issued an Amended Notice of Intent for the remediation of Area IV and the Northern Buffer Zone of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory.On June 7, 2012, DOE hosted session two of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Alternatives Development Workshop Series, which kicked off May 15th. The second session included a presentation on DOE’s purpose and need for action and the objectives that must be addressed for each alternative to be analyzed in the EIS. This session also allowed stakeholder to participate in small group discussions to think about how DOE may address the various objectives. Here is the presentation from session two and responses to questions from session one:
Session One Questions and Responses(186.7 KB)The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Alternatives Development Workshop Series kicked off on Tuesday, May 15th. This workshop is a pre-scoping effort for the EIS. The first session was an informational session and included an overview environmental laws that must be complied with during preparation of an EIS. Here are the presentations from Session One:
Welcome and Objectives of Session 1(164.61 KB)DOE's Compliance with Environmental Laws(153.88 KB)SSFL Former Worker Interview Report
During 2010 and 2011 U.S. Department of Energy conducted over 100 interviews with former SSFL employees. The final report from these interviews can be found below:
Community Involvement Plan - Area IV Santa Susana Field Laboratory
As part of the Environmental Impact Study (EIS) the DOE has prepared a Community Involvement Plan (CIP), which outlines a series of activities and programs that intend to engage the public, establish transparency in DOE actions and decisions, and increase input from the community. This CIP is the foundation for the DOE’s SSFL Area IV comprehensive communication and engagement strategy for public involvement activities.
Scoping Comment Responses for the Environmental Impact Statement for Remediation of Area IV of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory
In July 2008, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) conducted a number of scoping meetings associated with the development of the Environmental Impact Statement for Remediation of Area IV of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL Area IV EIS). Prior to the scoping meetings, a comprehensive review of all previous Area IV sampling activity was conducted and presented in the Draft Gap Analysis Report. As a result of the Draft Gap Analysis Report comment period and public EIS scoping process, DOE received input from 74 commentators. The linked document provides responses to the comments received.
Radionuclides at SSFL
A list of radionuclides used or generated at SSFL was developed in support of the EIS and Radionuclide Background Study. The report entitled "Radionuclides Related to Historical Operations at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory, Area IV", also identifies those radionuclides that would be risk drivers and dose drivers.
Radionuclides at SSFL(545.06 KB)EIS Community Interviews
DOE contracted with P2 Solutions, a firm specializing in public participation services, to evaluate the relationship with the community and develop recommendations for conducting public participation activities to support development of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). P2 Solutions interviewed key stakeholders regarding their concerns about DOE’s plans to prepare the EIS and preferences for being involved during development of the EIS. This report explains the methodology used to conduct the interviews, summarizes the responses to the questions asked, and presents P2 Solutions Recommendations. DOE especially wants to thank each individual who participated in the interviews. We are committed to implementing each of the report's recommendations to the best of our ability.
Report on Community Interviews (740.58 KB)End of EIS Scoping Period
End of scoping period and due date for submission of public comments on EIS scope.
EIS Public Scoping Meetings
DOE completed six Scoping Meetings July 22 through 24, 2008 to solicit comments on the Environmental Impact Statement for Remediation of Area IV of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory. Comments on the scope of the EIS are requested by August 14, 2008. The following handouts and posters were made available at each meeting.
Agenda(57.68 KB)Handouts
Description of Remedial Action Alternatives(792.74 KB)Examples of Resources that will be Evaluated(800.11 KB)Proposed Outline for Draft EIS(888.61 KB)A Citizen's Guide to the NEPA(936.97 KB)Radiation Basics(1.54 MB)Radiation Basics(688.08 KB)Written Comment Form(61.72 KB)Posters
Alternative 1: No Action
Issues Development(1.52 MB)In addition, handouts provided at the June 10th and June 26th Data Gap meetings were available.
Draft Preliminary Public Particicipation
P2 Solutions issued draft preliminary results of interviews with employees, retirees, community members and other stakeholders. Draft preliminary recommendations for the conduct of the EIS public participation process were proposed.
EIS Public Scoping Meeting Announcements
Six public scoping meetings will be held to solicit comments on the scope of EIS, the range of actions, and alternatives and issues that should be considered.
Los Angeles Times July 18th Announcement(360.76 KB)Los Angeles Times July 7th Announcement(65.05 KB)Public scoping meetings will be held at the following locations on the following days and times:
- Simi Valley, California: Grand Vista Hotel, 999 Enchanted Way, July 22, 2008, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.;
- Northridge, California: World Vision Church, 19514 Rinaldi Street, July 23, 2008, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.; and
- Sacramento, California: Sacramento Central Library, 828 I Street, July 24, 2008, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Written comments on the scope of the EIS should be sent to: Ms. Stephanie Jennings, NEPA Document Manager, U.S. Department of Energy, P.O. Box 10300, Canoga Park, CA 91309, Express Mail Delivery Address: 5800 Woolsey Canyon Road, Canoga Park, CA 91304, telephone number: 818-466-8162, fax: 818-466-8730, or email to: [email protected] (use “Scoping Comments” for the subject). All comments whether offered in person at the scoping meeting, or in writing as described above will be considered.
Second Public Meeting on the Draft Data Gap Analysis
A public meeting was held at the Grand Vista Hotel in Simi Valley, CA on June 26, 2008 from 6:30 pm to 10:00 pm to to recap information provided at the first meeting, answer questions, and receive public comments. The Draft Data Gap Analysis Report was prepared as part of the Area IV Environmental Impact Statement.
Agenda(45.13 KB)Main Presentation Charts(447.31 KB)Graphics Charts(2.45 MB)Other Handouts:
Draft Data Gap Analysis Report (56.57 MB)First EIS Data Gap Public Meeting
A public meeting was held at the Grand Vista Hotel in Simi Valley, CA on June 10, 2008 from 6:30 pm to 10:00 pm to present results and recommendations of the EIS Data Gap Analysis.
Agenda(266.05 KB)Main Presentation Charts(643.85 KB)Graphics Charts(4.71 MB)DOE issues a draft Data Gap Analysis Report.
This report reviews historical radiological and chemical sampling data, and identifies additional sampling requirements needed to conduct human health and ecological risk assessments. The Data Gap Analysis Report is the first phase of the Environmental Impact Statement for Area IV.
Part 2(1.47 MB)Part 3(5.02 MB)Part 4(3.62 MB)Part 5(10.12 MB)Part 6(3.82 MB)Part 7(623.16 KB)Part 8(5.46 MB)DOE Announces Two Meetings to Discuss the Data Gap Analysis Report
DOE announces two public meetings to be held June 10th and 26th, 2008 to share information and receive public comments on the draft Data Gap Analysis Report that has been prepared as part of the Area IV Environmental Impact Statement.
The first step in the EIS development process is a data gap analysis to review all the existing sampling and analysis information that has been collected in Area IV of SSFL. Existing information was reviewed and evaluated for usability in the development of the EIS. The data gap analysis also provides recommendations for additional sampling for chemical and radiological contaminants required to conduct human health and ecological risk assessments and to analyze a full range of alternatives in the EIS. DOE invites the public's participation at two meetings about this study, the first meeting to go over the results, and the second meeting two weeks later to receive stakeholder input on the independent review.
Los Angeles Daily News Announcement(71.06 KB)Los Angeles Times Announcement(70.36 KB)Ventura County Star Announcement(52.46 KB)- Location and Time: Grand Vista Hotel, 999 Enchanted Way, Simi Valley CA.Tuesday June 10, 2008, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Meeting Purpose: To distribute and share information about the draft data gap analysis and answer any questions related to the approach, results and conclusions.
- Location and Time: Grand Vista Hotel, 999 Enchanted Way, Simi Valley CA. Thursday June 26, 2008, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Meeting Purpose: To answer any further questions, and to receive input and suggestions.
Notice of Intent
DOE issues Notice of Intent (NOI) to perform EIS.
Notice of Intent
DOE announces Notice of Intent to perform EIS.
EIS Contract Awarded to CDM
DOE announces award of EIS contract to CDM.
DOE Issues RTP
DOE issues a final Request for Task Proposal (RTP) for preparation of an EIS.
Pre-solicitation Briefing
DOE holds a pre-solicitation briefing for prospective EIS contractors at SSFL.
DOE Issues SOW for EIS
DOE issues a statement of work (SOW) to solicit bids from contractors to perform the EIS. This SOW defines the scope and objectives of the EIS. The SOW and a preliminary process plan/schedule for the EIS are provided below.
DOE Announces Intent to Perform EIS
DOE announces its intent to perform an EIS and restructure the Boeing contract.
Stop Work Order
DOE suspends D&D and remediation operations at ETEC.
ETEC Closure Contract Stop Work Order(29.94 KB)NRDC Wins Lawsuit Against DOE
The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the Committee to Bridge the Gap (CBG) and the City of Los Angeles subsequently sued the DOE claiming that it had violated the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) and the Endangered Species Act (ESA). In May 2007, US District Court Judge, Samuel Conti, issued a Summary Judgment in favor of the plaintiffs, declaring that DOE was indeed in violation of NEPA and requiring DOE to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) before it relinquished control over any portion of Area IV.
Environmental Assessment
The DOE prepared an Environmental Assessment of the ETEC Cleanup and Closure activities in Area IV in which it chose a preferred dose-based cleanup goal of 15 mrem/year over a CERCLA risk-based goal of 1-in-a-million cancer incidence risk.