Consent Orders

Clean up and remediation at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory is governed by a number of consent orders for all responsible parties, which include the Department of Energy, the Boeing Company and NASA. Learn more about the various orders below.

Amendment to the May 2020 Order on Consent

DOE announced the signing of an Amended Consent Order with the State of California to demolish the eight remaining DOE-owned buildings at the former Energy Technology Engineering Center (ETEC) research site in Area IV of the SSFL. Read the Press Release for more information. 

Consent Order for Interim Response Action at the Radioactive Materials Handling Facility (RMHF) Complex

In May 2020, DOE and the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) announced the Consent Order for Interim Response Action at the Radioactive Materials Handling Facility (RMHF) Complex to demolish 10 of the remaining DOE-owned buildings. Read the Press Release for more information.

Administrative Orders on Consent

DOE and NASA both signed Administrative Orders on Consent (AOC) with the California Environmental Protection Agency that define the process for characterization and the cleanup end-state for portions of SSFL. 

The Administrative Order on Consent signed in December 2010 by DTSC and DOE describes the characterization and process for cleanup. Read the Response to Comments document that summarizes public comments received by DTSC and DOE and the responses issued. More information announcing that DOE and NASA reached cleanup agreements with the State of California for SSFL is available in the Press Release

Consent Order for Corrective Action

In August 2007, the DTSC issued a Consent Order for Corrective Action to Boeing, DOE and NASA to guide the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) cleanup at SSFL. Jointly signed by DTSC, Boeing, DOE and NASA, the consent order prescribes corrective actions for soil and groundwater chemical contamination in Areas I, II, III and IV, including a timetable for completion and stipulated penalties for non-compliance.