Brent Nielsen

Brent Nielsen has more than 30 years of public and private sector experience in the nuclear industry. Prior to working for the Office Environmental Management (EM) Chief of Nuclear Safety in May 2019, Nielsen served in a temporary assignment at the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board as a liaison for EM from June 2018 to May 2019. From May 2015 to May 2018, Nielsen served as the Department of Energy (DOE) Director of Safety Programs Division at the Carlsbad Field Office for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. He supervised the professional staff for nuclear safety, work planning, emergency management, and the training and technical qualification program. Prior to joining DOE, Nielsen served four years at the Department of Homeland Security as a health physicist and more than 20 years in the commercial nuclear industry as a health physicist, radiochemist, supervisor and assessor. Also, Nielsen spent over four years as an Independent Performance Assessor for the Central Interstate Compact Low-Level Burial Site. Nielsen holds a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Drake University.