Regulatory Drivers

This link goes to the relevant portion of this act, which transferred ownership of the Moab Project site from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to DOE and delineated DOE’s responsibilities for cleaning up the site.

This link goes to the relevant portion of this act, which transferred ownership of the Moab Project site from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to DOE and delineated DOE’s responsibilities for cleaning up the site.

The Floyd D. Spence Act designated the Moab Project site as a Title I site under UMTRCA. Site remediation will be performed in.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency established cleanup standards for residual radioactive material at Title I sites. DOE must clean up the Moab Project site to these standards.

DOE National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Information

For federal actions, including the cleanup of the Moab Project site, DOE must follow this act to evaluate the environmental impacts of its proposed actions. This link goes to the DOE NEPA website, which contains useful information about the act and NEPA documents.