The EM mission is to complete the safe cleanup of environmental legacy resulting from decades of nuclear weapons development and government-sponsored nuclear energy research. EM is responsible for managing and directing the cleanup of contaminated nuclear weapons manufacturing and testing sites across the United States. Integral to that responsibility is the need to safely disposition large volumes of nuclear waste, safeguard and prepare for disposition of nuclear materials that could be used in nuclear weapons, deactivate and decommission several thousand radiologically and chemically contaminated facilities no longer needed to support the Department of Energy's mission and remediate extensive surface and groundwater contamination.
EM's first priority is to ensure the safety and health of the public and EM's workforce while continuing to protect the environment. EM carries out the mission using sound business practices, innovative management approaches, and science and technology to reduce risks and costs within the EM regulatory framework.
- EM is constructing and operating facilities to treat radioactive liquid tank waste into a safe, stable form to enable ultimate disposition.
- EM is securing and storing nuclear material in a stable, safe configuration in secure locations to protect national security.
- EM is transporting and disposing of transuranic and low-level wastes in a safe and cost effective manner to reduce risk.
- EM is decontaminating and decommissioning facilities that provide no further value to reduce long-term liabilities and maximize resources for cleanup.
- EM is remediating groundwater and soil contaminated with the radioactive and hazardous constituents.
- EM is fulfilling its commitments to reduce risk and complete cleanup across all sites for the generations to come.
- EM is planning for a DOE long-term management and storage facility for U.S. elemental mercury.
Annual Priorities, Strategic Vision, and Program Plan
Learn more about EM's priorities through its 10-year strategic vision, annual priorities tracking and program plan.
By the Numbers
The By the Numbers infographics illustrate cleanup progress throughout the EM program.
Cleanup Sites
As the largest environmental cleanup program in the world, EM has been charged with the responsibility of cleaning up 107 sites across the country whose area is equal to the combined area of Rhode Island and Delaware.