Science & Technology News

EM’s Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Project has been honored with the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool Purchaser Award for a third year in a row.
Purchasing environmentally friendly products is a longtime goal of EM’s Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project, and the site has been recognized for it for a third year in a row.
Hanford Crew Completes Key First Test of 'Bubblers'
The Hanford Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant becomes operational and is transforming radiological and chemical tank waste into immobilized glass, a team will periodically replace various parts of the treatment system during routine maintenance.
Workers with tank operations contractor Washington River Protection Solutions connect hoses to an ion exchange column inside the Tank-Side Cesium Removal System’s process enclosure before processing another batch of tank waste at the Hanford Site.
EM Office of River Protection (ORP) tank operations contractor Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS) recently resumed processing high-level tank waste through the Tank-Side Cesium Removal System at the Hanford Site following a maintenance outage.