EM Newsletters

 A group of Washington state leaders wearing hard hats and pose for a picture inside a facility building
EM's Hanford Site’s tour program had more than 750 guests visit the site in 2023. The tours offer elected leaders, stakeholders and community members an opportunity to get a firsthand look at the historic cleanup progress underway.
A team photo of Los Alamos employees and high school students
Representatives with the EM Los Alamos Field Office legacy waste cleanup contractor at Los Alamos National Laboratory joined students from the Native American Community Academy (NACA) of Albuquerque to promote STEAM Day at the New Mexico Legislature recently.
Hanford employees installing temporary startup heaters
EM crews at the Hanford Site's Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant recently installed 18 temporary startup heaters, one of which is pictured, in the second of two melters in the plant’s Low-Activity Waste Facility.