EM Newsletters

A train pushes a container full of old equipment from H Canyon to the Solid Waste Management Facility for disposal at the Savannah River Site. The equipment is being removed to make way for a new H Canyon spent nuclear fuel dissolving campaign.
EM contractor employees at the Savannah River Site (SRS) are preparing for an upcoming campaign to dissolve stainless-steel-clad spent nuclear fuel by installing a new dissolver and an additional double-sized tank for dissolved material storage.
Shown here, each HEPA filter weighs more than 70 pounds and is used in multiple banks of four filters inside the Analytical Laboratory and Low-Activity Waste Facility at Hanford’s Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
Hanford Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant Analytical Laboratory team has completed a commissioning test of a high-efficiency particulate air filtration system that uses a new filter design that exceeds nuclear industry standards and requirements.
The 2021 SRR STAR grants totaled over $15,000 to help advance science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) curriculum in elementary school classrooms. Most of the teachers who won grants are pictured here behind Breidenbach and Schmitz.
The liquid waste contractor at the Savannah River Site (SRS) recently awarded more than $15,000 in educational grants to local elementary school teachers, helping to support science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) curriculum in their classrooms.
An aerial view of the Salt Waste Processing Facility at the Savannah River Site.
EM’s Salt Waste Processing Facility (SWPF) has successfully processed more than 1 million gallons of radioactive waste at Savannah River Site (SRS) since the first-of-a-kind facility began processing the legacy material in October 2020.