Clean Energy Land Reuse

DOE Environmental Management News Flash
The U.S. Department of Energy issued a request for qualifications related to the Cleanup to Clean Energy initiative for utility-scale energy projects within the 310-square-mile Savannah River Site. Today’s announcement reinforces the Biden-Harris Administration’s whole-of-government approach to leveraging federal properties to increase the deployment of clean power through the buildout of utility-scale clean energy projects.
DOE Environmental Management News Flash
DOE announced it will enter into realty negotiations with Hecate Energy LLC for a solar project capable of delivering up to one gigawatt of clean energy within an 8,000-acre area of DOE-owned land at the Hanford site as part of the Cleanup to Clean Energy Initiative.
A group of panelists sitting at a table on a stage speaking into microphones
A perfect fit for this year’s Waste Management Symposia theme, “Proud of our Past, Poised for the Future,” this panel focused on the past 50 years of environmental remediation and engaged with the audience on challenges and opportunities as cleanup progress continues.