Annual Priority Updates

EM CY23 Mission & Priorities
EM has released its program priorities for calendar year (CY) 2023, covering key cleanup actions, project construction, acquisition and other important activities that will further EM’s critical environmental mission.
The Idaho Cleanup Project Buried Waste Retrieval Team successfully completed targeted transuranic waste retrieval at the Idaho National Laboratory Site.
DOE recently bestowed eight EM teams with the Secretary of Energy Achievement Award, recognizing projects at the Idaho, Savannah River and Hanford sites as well as a group of employees who revamped and expanded EM’s Minority Serving Institutions.
Chart of transuranic waste shipments Nov 2022 - Jan 2023
A recent double-digit increase of transuranic waste shipments for permanent disposal at EM’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) led to a successful seven-week stretch that has officials at the facility feeling confident.
EM crews continue to transform the central campus area in the heart of Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
DOE’s Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM) has laid out its course for cleanup in 2023, setting the stage for a busy year of projects including demolitions, construction and addressing inventories of nuclear waste stored at the site.