Acquisition News

A gif of a group of people in front of a large building from an aerial view
EM recently awarded performance-based fees payments to 14 of its contractors at sites across the DOE complex, including Hanford, Savannah River, Oak Ridge, Paducah, Portsmouth, Nevada, Idaho, Los Alamos, Waste Isolation Pilot Plant and Savannah River National Laboratory.
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The Department of Energy awarded nearly $54 million in non-competitive financial assistance grants and cooperative agreements. The grants and agreements cover a broad range of key activities supporting the Office of Environmental Management cleanup program.
Fluor-BWXT-Portsmouth employees celebrate 4 million safe work hours with a catered lunch at the Portsmouth Site.
Employees with Fluor-BWXT-Portsmouth (FBP), EM’s decontamination and decommissioning contractor for the Portsmouth Site, were recently treated to a luncheon, celebrating the completion of 4 million safe work hours.