ICP CAB Meeting Materials: June 2016

Links to agenda, presentations, and minutes for the June 23, 2016 ICP CAB meeting in Idaho Falls, Idaho

Idaho Cleanup Project Citizens Advisory Board

June 23, 2016
minute read time
ICP CAB members receive a thumbs up from members of Fluor Idaho's Retrieval Crews, tasked with retrieving the final estimated 1,000 cubic meters of waste.
ICP CAB Member Trilby McAffee, left, and CAB Chair Herb Bohrer, get a thumbs up from members of Fluor Idaho's Retrieval Crews, tasked with retrieving the final estimated 1,000 cubic meters of waste, stored in drums and boxes behind them.
Rick Dale, Fluor Idaho

Date: Thursday, June 23, 2016 | 8 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. 

Location: Hilton Garden Inn | 700 Lindsay Boulevard | Idaho Falls, ID 83402

Topics Covered: 

  • Recent Public Outreach
  • Idaho Cleanup Project (ICP) Overview
  • Integrated Waste Treatment Unit (IWTU) Update
  • Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Update 
  • Future of the Cleanup Program
  • Spent Fuel
  • Waste Transportation
  • Environmental Management (EM) Site Specific Advisory Board (SSAB) Chairs Recommendations: Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEPs), EM SSAB Funding, Community Investment as a Factor in Contract Proposal Evaluation Process

Meeting Materials: