Advisory Council on Historic Preservation – Office of Native American Affairs - ONAA serves as technical adviser to Indian tribes and federal agencies regarding consultation issues that arise in the federal historic preservation review process called the Section 106 process. ONAA has an extensive list of guidance regarding tribal consultation and staff available to assist Indian tribes in navigating the Section 106 process, in working with federal agencies, and in protecting places of cultural importance.
Department of Energy – Bonneville Power Administration: Tribal Affairs Office - TAO’s mission is to ensure BPA understanding and respect for tribal values and resources, Tribal Affairs will fulfill BPA’s tribal trust responsibility and our tribal policy commitments by initiating and supporting effective, two-way communication with tribal governments. BPA is an American Federal agency based in the Pacific Northwest.
Department of the Interior – Bureau of Indian Affairs - Though BIA programs, Tribes improve their tribal governmental infrastructure, community infrastructure, education, job training, and employment opportunities along with other components of long term sustainable development that work to improve the quality of life for their members.
Department of the Interior – Fish and Wildlife Service; Office of the Native American Liaison - Working together with Native American liaisons and officials from among the Federally-recognized tribes nationwide, the ONAL identifies areas where both Federal and tribal conservation efforts can most effectively conserve fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats.
Department of Transportation – Office of Legislative and Governmental Affairs; Tribal Transportation - USDOT is committed to improving existing tribal transportation resources. This webpage serves as a portal to assist tribes and tribal governments to find the information and contacts they need at the Department.
Environmental Protection Agency – American Indian Environmental Office - The American Indian Environmental Office (AIEO) leads EPA's efforts to protect human health and the environment of federally recognized tribes by supporting implementation of federal environmental laws consistent with the federal trust responsibility, the government-to-government relationship, and EPA's 1984 Indian Policy.
General Services Administration – Native American Tribes - GSA offers a range of services available to federally recognized Native American Tribes, from surplus property donations to vehicle purchases. In addition, recognized tribes can use this page to receive notice of GSA actions and policies that affect tribes, as well as provide comment.