The following is a list of links to the procurement offices where Environmental Management work is performed in the Department of Energy. Please contact these offices directly concerning potential business opportunities or for any questions you may have about their programs.
Carlsbad - This is the site of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, or WIPP, which safely disposes of the nation's defense-related transuranic radioactive waste.
Consolidated Business Center - The EM Consolidated Business Center (EMCBC) is in Cincinnati, Ohio. Establishing the EMCBC allowed EM’s closure sites, small sites and large sites, EM and DOE headquarters, and other (i.e., non-EM) departmental elements to consolidate many of the functions necessary to support EM’s mission. It is a center of excellence for acquisition expertise and hosts central contract suites that support work across the EM complex. The EMCBC is responsible for EM funded work for procurement, contract, and financial assistance actions at the EMCBC, EMCBC sites, Carlsbad Field Office, Environmental Management Los Alamos Field Office, EM Headquarters and EM Complex site offices for specific contract actions.
Idaho - The Idaho office administers the Idaho Cleanup Project end-state contract. This contract focuses on DOE EM strategic priorities for site cleanup activities, while meeting regulatory agreements and achieving specific end states at the site.
Los Alamos - The EM Los Alamos Field Office provides post-award contract administration support for all DOE prime contracts associated with the legacy environmental management cleanup activities ongoing at Los Alamos National Laboratory, located in Los Alamos, NM.
Portsmouth Paducah Project Office - The Portsmouth Paducah Project Office (PPPO) is located in Lexington, KY. The PPPO Office of Contracting primarily provides post-award contract administration in support of deactivation, remediation and decommissioning for the Portsmouth, OH and Paducah, KY Gaseous Diffusion Plants.
Oak Ridge - The Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management’s Procurement and Contracts Division is responsible for all aspects of procurement and contracts management and cost estimating for cleanup at the site’s East Tennessee Technology Park, Y-12 National Security Complex, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Hanford – The Hanford Procurement Division is dedicated to evaluating and contracting with businesses to support the Hanford Site cleanup mission. These sites are designed to assist the commercial sector in doing business with Hanford, and to provide tools to enable contractors to learn of future procurement requirements.
Savannah River - The Savannah River team awards and administers contracts at this site in South Carolina, including the Managing and Operating contract for the site, the Savannah River National Laboratory, and the Salt Waste Processing Facility and the Liquid Waste program.