
Timeline: Highlights From WIPP's First 20 Years

Following is a timeline of significant events at EM's Waste Isolation Pilot Plant since the facility's grand opening in 1999:

Office of Environmental Management

April 23, 2019
minute read time
Left to right, Carlsbad Mayor Gary Perkowski, U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici of New Mexico, Energy Secretary Bill Richardson, U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico, and EM Carlsbad Field Office Manager Keith Klein cut a ribbon on the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
Left to right, Carlsbad Mayor Gary Perkowski, U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici of New Mexico, Energy Secretary Bill Richardson, U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico, and EM Carlsbad Field Office Manager Keith Klein cut a ribbon on the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

CARLSBAD, N.M. – Following is a timeline of significant events at EM's Waste Isolation Pilot Plant since the facility's grand opening in 1999:

  • 1999

The first shipment arrives at EM’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) on March 26. Hundreds of employees, local officials, and media are present. The shipment originated at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL).

  • 2002

First shipment of waste characterized (container contents verified) by the National Transuranic (TRU) Program’s mobile Central Characterization Project arrives at WIPP from the Savannah River Site.

  • 2003

WIPP’s Panel 1 filled.

  • 2004

WIPP’s Silver Mine Rescue Team is named overall champion at the National Mine Rescue Competition, retaining the title it won in 2002.

  • 2005

Rocky Flats site sends its final TRU waste shipment to WIPP, allowing Rocky Flats to close a year ahead of schedule.

The final transuranic waste shipment leaves the Rock Flats site in Colorado headed for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
The final transuranic waste shipment leaves the Rock Flats site in Colorado headed for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
  • 2006

New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) issues WIPP permit to dispose remote-handled TRU waste (RH-TRU).

  • 2007

First shipment of RH-TRU waste arrives at WIPP. The shipment originated at DOE’s Idaho National Laboratory (INL).

For the 21st time in 22 years, WIPP is awarded the New Mexico Mining Association’s Mine Operator of the Year award for safety.

  • 2009

WIPP receives transportation safety award from the United States Transport Council.

WIPP celebrates 10 years of safe operations.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant workers gather to mark the facility’s 10 years of safe operations.
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant workers gather to mark the facility’s 10 years of safe operations.
  • 2010

WIPP surpasses 10 million safe loaded miles of waste shipments to the facility.

  • 2011

WIPP receives 10,000th waste shipment.

  • 2012

New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez visits WIPP to see final shipments arrive from Sandia National Laboratories.

NMED awards WIPP a Green Zia award for environmental conservation.

  • 2014

WIPP temporarily suspends underground emplacement operations following a fire on a salt haul truck. Days later, a radiological release occurs underground in Panel 7, Room 7, which is later determined to have resulted from a LANL drum that contained incompatible materials.

WIPP’s Red Mine Rescue Team is named overall champion at the National Mine Rescue Competition championship.

Waste handlers at work in the WIPP repository's Panel 7.
Waste handlers at work in the WIPP repository's Panel 7.
  • 2015

Initial closures for Panel 7, Room 7, and Panel 6 are completed.

First hybrid bolter in use underground.

  • 2016

WIPP’s Blue Mine Rescue Team wins the National Mine Rescue Competition championship.

Gov. Martinez cuts the ribbon at the grand opening of a new Emergency Operations Center.

Participants in an emergency response drill use the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant's Emergency Operations Center.
Participants in an emergency response drill use the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant's Emergency Operations Center.
  • 2017

Waste emplacement resumes. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz, Gov. Martinez, and members of the New Mexico congressional delegation attend a grand reopening ceremony.

Waste shipments resume, with the first shipment coming from INL.

Federal and contractor employees gather to celebrate receipt of the first shipment of transuranic waste to WIPP after the facility reopened in 2017.
Federal and contractor employees gather to celebrate receipt of the first shipment of transuranic waste to WIPP after the facility reopened in 2017.
  • 2018

Mining resumes at WIPP.

Ground is broken for the Safety Significant Confinement Ventilation System, which will replace the existing ventilation system and significantly increase underground airflow.

Closure of the south end of the mine is completed.

  • Environmental and Legacy Management
  • Emergency Response
  • Nuclear Energy
  • National Labs
  • Energy Security