Evaluates whether a small quantity of recycle wastewater from Tank 22 at SRS H Tank Farm meets DOE's HLW interpretation for classification as non-HLW.
Office of Environmental Management
August 5, 2020Executive Summary
This report evaluates whether a small quantity (up to 8 gallons) of Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF) recycle wastewater from Tank 22 at the Savanah River Site H Tank Farm meets the Department of Energy’s (DOE) high-level radioactive waste (HLW) interpretation for classification as non-HLW.
In August 2020, DOE completed an environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), which analyzed the potential impacts of the Proposed Action and concluded that it does not constitute a major federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment.
This report provides background information on the HLW interpretation, the NEPA analysis, DWPF recycle wastewater, and the Waste Control Specialists, LLC (WCS) Federal Waste Facility; and demonstrates that the stabilized DWPF recycle wastewater meets the HLW interpretation. This information includes sampling results, waste profile data, quality assurance protocol, and other relevant information. This technical evaluation supports a waste determination that the up to 8 gallons of stabilized DWPF recycle wastewater from Tank 22 at the Savanah River Site H-Area Tank Farm, which will be stabilized into grout prior to disposal, meets the DOE’s HLW interpretation for disposal as non-HLW. The waste is Class B low-level radioactive waste and hence may be disposed at WCS as low-level radioactive waste in accordance with the facility’s waste acceptance criteria, license conditions, environmental permits, and all other applicable requirements. Supporting technical documents are available at: /em/program-scope/high-level-radioactive-waste-hlw-interpretation.