
SRS Apprenticeship School Partnership Strengthens Talent Pipeline

A partnership with a local economic development organization has provided qualified personnel to support the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management program at the Savannah River Site (SRS) since 2020.

Office of Environmental Management

April 16, 2024
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Collage of photos of employees in a training session working with metal pipes

Savannah River Site Production Operator Apprentices Dustin Bates, left and bottom right, and Brandon Watkins, top right, complete training funded by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.

AIKEN, S.C. — A partnership with a local economic development organization has provided qualified personnel to support the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management program at the Savannah River Site (SRS) since 2020.

The SRS partnership with the Lower Savannah Council of Governments (LSCOG) has led to registered apprenticeship occupations in support of mission-critical positions at the site.

“When multiple dedicated organizations come together, there is nothing we can’t accomplish,” said Dorian Newton, director, SRS Site Training. “Since the start of our partnership, LSCOG has supported over 24 registered apprenticeship occupations and contributed to workforce development at SRS.”

Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, the site’s managing and operating contractor, established the first registered apprenticeship occupation in 2020 to address attrition levels and create a pipeline to support a thriving workforce. After expanding site-wide, the SRS Apprenticeship School has successfully graduated over 530 apprentices, and 91% of them have accepted full-time positions at the site.

“It’s a win-win for all involved,” said Booboo Roberts, SRNS program manager, Apprenticeship School and Pipeline Programs. “Our collaboration with economic development organizations like LSCOG, Workforce Opportunities in Regional Careers and Apprenticeship Carolina have ensured the financial stability for our apprenticeship program initiatives that benefit the local community, area technical colleges and site contractors.”

A group of people pose for a picture by a sign that reads Lower Savannah "COG"

The Lower Savannah Council of Governments has provided key support for the Savannah River Site Apprenticeship School since 2020.

Apprenticeships allow companies to establish a learning pathway for participants while they pursue a technical education and obtain paid on-the-job experience. Through this partnership, funds from LSCOG have been used to enroll 75 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) participants and have provided over $42,000 in supportive services to the program.

“This partnership continues to serve as an employment solution with local, regional and state-wide impact,” said William Molnar, LSCOG executive director. “We are proud to support these programs as they improve access and success for diverse populations — leading to lifelong careers at the Savannah River Site.”

Established in 1967, LSCOG serves Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Calhoun and Orangeburg counties. Apprentices who live in the region are enrolled into WIOA — which funds the LSCOG-Workforce Division — to support their participation in the SRS Apprenticeship School. The WIOA funds enable the apprentices to receive tools, uniforms, travel vouchers and need-related payments.

“The support we receive from LSCOG Workforce Development is incredibly beneficial to our program and the important missions we serve for the Department of Energy,” said Sean Alford, SRNS executive vice president and chief administrative officer. “Our collective efforts have resulted in a viable workforce and job opportunities that will continue to help fill a wide range of positions with qualified candidates.”

Several of the region’s two-year post-secondary institutions participate in the SRS Apprenticeship School, including Aiken Technical, Denmark Technical and Augusta Technical colleges. SRS apprenticeships offer a successful alternative or complement to a traditional four-year degree program.

For more information about the SRS Apprenticeship School, visit the Savannah River Site website.

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