
Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office Awards Fiscal 2018 Contractor Fees

EM recently awarded fees to FBP and three other contractors for their fiscal 2018 performance.

Office of Environmental Management

January 15, 2019
minute read time
Fluor-BWXT Portsmouth supervisor Bill Bayless, left, and chemical operator Brent Copley monitor uranium hexafluoride transfer operations in support of the decontamination and decommissioning of the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant in southern Ohio.
Fluor-BWXT Portsmouth supervisor Bill Bayless, left, and chemical operator Brent Copley monitor uranium hexafluoride transfer operations in support of the decontamination and decommissioning of the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant in southern Ohio.

LEXINGTON, Ky. – EM’s Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office (PPPO) this week announced fiscal 2018 fees awarded to four contractors supporting cleanup of EM’s former gaseous diffusion plants in southern Ohio and west Kentucky.

   Fluor-BWXT Portsmouth (FBP), the deactivation and decommissioning (D&D) contractor for Ohio’s Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant site, was awarded $17.3 million, or about 72 percent of available fee, for its performance from October 2017 through September 2018. PPPO awarded RSI EnTech, the Portsmouth Site environmental technical support services contractor, $414,725, or 97 percent of its potential allocation for the same period.

   Four Rivers Nuclear Partnership (FRNP), the deactivation and remediation contractor for the Paducah, Ky. site, was awarded $5.7 million, or 60 percent of its potential allocation, and Mid-America Conversion Services (MCS), the operations and maintenance contractor for PPPO’s Depleted Uranium Hexafluoride (DUF6) Conversion Project, earned more than $2.5 million, or 67 percent of the available fee.

   Annual evaluations determine the portion of contractor fees to be paid based on performance. In determining the awards, EM considers overall performance along with completion of specific EM mission objectives.

   Overall quality and effectiveness of FBP’s Portsmouth D&D contract performance for the year was “very good,” including project management and environmental safety, health, quality, and regulatory work. FBP met overall cost, schedule, and technical performance requirements, and exceeded some significant award fee criteria. The evaluation cited overall improvement in moving forward with a challenging, integrated cleanup program that includes disposal facility development and deactivation work in multiple buildings to prepare for demolition.

   “During this period, FBP continued to make notable progress despite ever-increasing project complexity,” PPPO Manager Robert Edwards said.

   RSI EnTech received an “excellent” rating overall, based on quality and effectiveness of environment, safety and health, quality assurance, and field support; project support; and program management.

   At PPPO’s Paducah Site, FRNP delivered overall “satisfactory” performance, which included quality, schedule, cost-control, management, and regulatory compliance, and “good” implementation of business systems. The contractor exceeded some criteria, and met overall cost, schedule, and technical performance requirements.

   For the DUF6 Conversion Project, MCS received a “very good” rating for quality, schedule, cost control, and regulatory compliance. The contractor received “excellent" ratings for management and utilization of small business. The evaluation noted MCS’s “one-project” management mindset that has improved communication and incorporation of lessons learned among the plant sites, along with an improved safety culture, and completion of several plant upgrades.

   “MCS achieved operation of all conversion lines at both sites during the period, representing a full restart from previous safety shutdowns,” Edwards said. “The project continues toward demonstrating consistent, sustained, safe production.”

   The fiscal 2018 award fee scorecards and other information about PPPO’s contracts are available here.


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