
Panelists Discuss Strategic Vision’s Role in Helping EM Maintain Momentum

DOE leaders and local, community, and contractor representatives focused on the benefits and successes of EM’s hallmark Strategic Vision.

Office of Environmental Management

September 22, 2020
minute read time
Panelists Discuss Strategic Vision’s Role in Helping EM Maintain Momentum

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A National Cleanup Workshop panel of DOE leaders and local, community, and contractor representatives focused on the benefits and successes of EM’s hallmark Strategic Vision document released earlier this year.

Moderated by EM Chief Strategist Mike Nartker, the panel included Deputy Under Secretary for Science T.L. Cubbage, EM Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Todd Shrader, Energy Facility Contractors Group (EFCOG) Chair Michael Lempke, Los Alamos County Councilor David Izraelevitz, and Hanford Communities Executive Director David Reeploeg.

The panelists discussed how the EM Strategic Vision captures the current inflection point in which EM is on track to complete key accomplishments that best position the cleanup mission for continued progress. Cubbage remarked that the vision “sets forth an agenda of real, demonstrable progress” to which EM can truly be held accountable. Shrader noted that the vision gives EM the steps needed to achieve its ambitious set of priorities for 2020.

Lempke said the Strategic Vision has been “received fondly” by local communities and it “gave a unified set of aligned priorities we now need to go execute on.” Izraelevitz said the vision reassured the Los Alamos community of EM’s long-term goals.

The panelists noted that the Strategic Vision is intended to be a living document needing the input of communities to ensure success. Shrader noted that the most vital input EM needs from the communities is their vision for end goals. The panelists agreed that community involvement is crucial as EM continues to update the Strategic Vison, and that an inclusive process that brings forth the best ideas is the best path forward.

Members of the panel discussed other aspects of the Strategic Vision, such as how communities can make sure long-term goals remain in place, and how the Strategic Vision can help EM maintain momentum. Panelists noted that successes build momentum, which helps propel everyone towards their goals, and the Strategic Vision helps lay out achievable milestones to demonstrate EM successes.

With the Strategic Vision, “every year can be a banner year” for sites in the EM complex, but everyone needs to keep focus, Shrader said. He added that this focus is what the Strategic Vision helps bring to EM and the communities it serves.

Read about EM’s Strategic Vision here.

  • Environmental and Legacy Management
  • Community Benefit Plans
  • Energy Policy
  • Decarbonization
  • Investing in America