
National Cleanup Workshop Set for Sept. 8-10

Top EM officials and leaders from cleanup communities will headline the 2021 National Cleanup Workshop that will be held Sept. 8-10 in Alexandria, Virginia.

Office of Environmental Management

March 17, 2021
minute read time
National Cleanup Workshop Logo

Top EM officials and leaders from cleanup communities will headline the 2021 National Cleanup Workshop that will be held Sept. 8-10 in Alexandria, Virginia.

Speakers will include William “Ike” White, Acting Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management; Todd Shrader, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management; and other officials from EM headquarters and field sites.

Participants also will include Ron Woody, county executive of Roane County, Tennessee, Brent Gerry, mayor of the City of West Richland, Washington, and Rebecca Casper, mayor of the City of Idaho Falls, Idaho.

The annual National Cleanup Workshop brings together DOE executives, industry leaders, national and local elected officials, and other stakeholders to discuss DOE's progress on the cleanup of the environmental legacy of the nation's Manhattan Project and Cold War nuclear weapons program.

This year’s program theme is “Capitalizing on a New Era to Build on Cleanup Successes.”

Topics to be discussed will include new EM initiatives; the path toward initiating tank waste treatment at Hanford; opportunities for small business subcontracting; implementation of the End-State Contracting Model; infrastructure priorities across the EM complex; progress on radioactive waste tank closure; lessons learned from operations during COVID; planning for the workforce of the future; and building on D&D successes to further reduce risk and site footprints.

The Energy Communities Alliance sponsors the workshop in cooperation with EM and the Energy Facility Contractors Group. More information will be forthcoming. Check EM’s 2021 National Cleanup Workshop website for updates.

  • Environmental and Legacy Management
  • Community Benefit Plans
  • Energy Justice
  • Revitalizing Energy Communities
  • Careers