
Landmark Signs Show Progress at the Hanford Site

The posts are up, the paint is dry, and the signs showing Hanford Site cleanup successes are available for viewing.

Office of Environmental Management

October 6, 2020
minute read time
From left, Hanford Site carpenters Carl McLaughlin, Rick Russert, Mike Finney, and Doug MacDonald pause for a photo after installing one of 15 landmark signs.
From left, Hanford Site carpenters Carl McLaughlin, Rick Russert, Mike Finney, and Doug MacDonald pause for a photo after installing one of 15 landmark signs.

RICHLAND, Wash. – The posts are up, the paint is dry, and the signs showing Hanford Site cleanup successes are available for viewing.

EM Richland Operations Office contractor Mission Support Alliance (MSA) recently finished installing temporary landmark signs at several locations on the 580-square-mile site. The 15 double-sided signs are 8 feet tall and 12 feet wide and includes key information about the facility or area.

“Often times when you drive by areas that have been cleaned up, it looks like nothing was ever there, and we forget how much effort was put into progressing the cleanup mission,” said Rich Buel, deputy director of the Hanford Office of Communications. “These signs help workers and visitors visualize how far we’ve come in cleanup.”

John Doty, sign painter for EM Richland Operations Office contractor Mission Support Alliance, stands in front of a landmark sign commemorating the cleanup of 135 waste sites.
John Doty, sign painter for EM Richland Operations Office contractor Mission Support Alliance, stands in front of a landmark sign commemorating the cleanup of 135 waste sites.

The sign project was a collaborative effort by employees of multiple Hanford contractors. Workers built and installed the signs at several of the former plutonium production reactors along the Columbia River; the 200 West Pump and Treat facility; the former site of the Plutonium Finishing Plant, where nearly two-thirds of the nation’s plutonium stockpile was produced; and the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.

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