
Hanford Site Contractor Earns 90 Percent of Available Fiscal 2018 Fee

EM’s Richland Operations Office has awarded occupational medical services contractor HPM Corporation 90 percent of its available fee for fiscal 2018.

Office of Environmental Management

February 19, 2019
minute read time
HPM Corporation Clinical Director Dr. Denise Algood, who directs daily clinical operations for the Hanford Site, examines a Hanford worker.
HPM Corporation Clinical Director Dr. Denise Algood, who directs daily clinical operations for the Hanford Site, examines a Hanford worker.

RICHLAND, Wash.EM’s Richland Operations Office (RL) has awarded occupational medical services contractor HPM Corporation (HPMC) 90 percent of its available fee for fiscal 2018.

   “HPMC continued to provide superior worker health and well-being support for the Hanford Site,” according to the fee determination summary released by RL. HPMC earned $315,350 of a possible $350,000 for the year, the summary says.

   The contractor earned fee for individual performance incentives focused on effective and efficient site cleanup support, as well as comprehensive performance.

   “I am extremely impressed with the superior occupational medicine and health services provided by our team, each and every day,” said HPMC President and CEO Scott Brodeur. “Our recent fee award reflects how well our entire team performs their role, aiding in the success of the crucial Hanford cleanup mission.”

   HPMC continued to schedule patient visits efficiently, which reduced lost-work time, according to the summary.

   In addition, the summary recognized HPMC for collaboration while supporting the integration of health, safety, and proactive injury prevention techniques.

   Still, RL noted room for improvement in its evaluation.

   The contractor should “continue to work towards superior quality documents, full implementation of corrective actions, and a contractor business system,” according to the summary.

   View the summary here.

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